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Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)

⇒ Volume Number: 03
⇒ Issue Number: 01
⇒ Available Online: June 30, 2022
⇒ Volume Editor: Journal Editors
⇒ Issue Editor: Publication and Editorial House
⇒ Language and Proofreading Editor: Publication and Editorial House
⇒ Copyeditor: Publication and Editorial House, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Japan
⇒ Administrator: Ms. Michell Ann., Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Japan


 Journal of Sustainability Outreach (ISSN 2435-7243)  

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Integrating the United Nations sustainable development goals into organizational strategy: A sustainability balanced scorecard approach using ANP and TOPSIS
Rösner T, and Bredebach C.
Journal of Sustainability Outreach (ISSN 2435-7243), 2022, 3 (1): 1-18  DOI 10.37357/1068/jso/3.1.01


Challenges related to sustainable development require companies to align their strategies to meet stakeholder interests systematically. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are guiding objectives for sustainable development on an international level up to 2030. This article links the goals of the SDGs to a recognized strategic management tool: the sustainability balanced scorecard (SBSC). So far, few approaches exist in this field. Consequently, this article presents a framework for developing and applying an SBSC that takes an integrative view of the SDGs. For this purpose, the analytic network process (ANP) and the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution are applied (TOPSIS). The article concludes that the solution approach presented has considerable potential to support organizations in systematically integrating the SDGs into their strategy. Also, this article proposes interesting future research directions.







Tobias Rösner
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Logistics, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany


Christina Bredebach 
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Logistics, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany



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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
A brief review of the future of smart mobility using 5G and IoT
Nazim SF, Danish MSS, and Senjyu T.
Journal of Sustainability Outreach (ISSN 2435-7243), 2022, 3 (1): 19-30  DOI 10.37357/1068/jso/3.1.02


Rapid urbanization and increasing population concentration in the cities can pose many challenges that need to be addressed intelligently. The smart city can be a proper answer to these issues. With the research and development made for the smart city, smart mobility is an important aspect that can solve everyday transportation challenges the citizens face. Smart mobility introduced the concept of connected vehicles that can sense their surroundings and make intelligent decisions based on the data collected. Such a concept must take decisions requiring a secure interface to reduce the latency in sharing information. This review and analysis of the future of 5G and IoT in smart mobility discusses the current trends in the transport system, autonomous vehicles, public transport, car sharing schemes (mobility as a service) mobility on demand. IoT connects all transport systems and communicates using 5G technology which facilitates fast communication and reduces latency, allowing millions of devices to be connected to the network. In addition, this paper discusses how 5G can cater to the needs of Internet of Things (IoT) technology for smart mobility, which looks into the aspects of smart mobility and 5G technology helping smart mobility. Lastly, this study showcases an overview of 5G that enables smart mobility.







Simra Fathima Nazim
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Amity University Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Mir Sayed Shah Danish 
Energy Systems (Chubu Electric Power) Funded Research Division, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan


Tomonobu Senjyu 
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan



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 Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (ISSN 2435-7251)  

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Recent advances in bio-based electrode materials in supercapacitor applications: Energy storage materials and technologies
Navid Q, Taali M, Khosravy M, and Danish MSS.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (ISSN 2435-7251), 2022, 3 (1): 1-13  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser/3.1.01


The modern world's reliance on fossil fuels has led to many issues, including rising fuel prices, pollution, climate change, and geopolitical unrest. While massive effort is required to deal with climate change comprehensively. Developing alternative energy sources and storage technologies is an important priority that can only be gained over time by reducing these issues. Because of this, recent years have seen an increase in the use of high-power and high-energy density storage systems, increasing the use of renewable energy sources or improving transportation efficiency contribute to climate change mitigation. Renewable energy resource deployment is associated with storage systems for reliable and continuous energy supply. It is essential to keep developing more efficient storage units to advance environmentally friendly technologies. Despite extensive research and development efforts, an essential upsurge in energy storage capability is required to meet future demand. In the next generation of energy storage devices, supercapacitors (SCs) seem an excellent candidate for wearable and portable electronics compared to the flexible lithium-ion batteries-based technologies. Electrochemically excellent carbon materials are required to protect the environment and develop renewable energy sources, but they are scarce. Depending on the desired carbon morphology, there are many different types of biomasses and biowaste materials from which to choose carbon precursors. The preparatory work and characterization of newly found and evolved bio-based carbon sources are discussed and summarized in this study. Precursor and nanostructure types are listed in alphabetical order. New carbon precursors with excellent electrochemical performance in energy storage applications are also discussed. Ultimately, a conclusion and an outlook from the application perspective are drawn.







Qamar Navid
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany


Masoumeh Taali
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Mahdi Khosravy
Cross Labs, Cross-compass Ltd., Tokyo, Japan


Mir Sayed Shah Danish 
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan



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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal of Environmental Science Revolution (ISSN 2435-726X)  

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Energy efficiencies model for thermal comfort in urban applications
Khare VR, Vaishaly, Danish MSS, Khosravy M, Ibrahimi AM, Mikhaylov A, and Senjyu T.
Journal of Environmental Science Revolution (ISSN 2435-726X), 2022, 3 (1): 1-17  DOI 10.37357/1068/jesr/3.1.01


Improving people's standard of living has increased their requirements for the environment. Increasing air temperature in urban areas due to urban heat islands (UHI) has been a global concern since industrialization. Apart from suitable facilities and landscapes, a comfortable outdoor thermal environment can improve the efficiency of urban space use. Ensuring outdoor comfort is an integral part of the design agenda where the UHI phenomenon plays a significant role. A study has been conducted on a residential building campus to analyze the effect of these heat island countermeasures (individual and combined) with the help of the simulation tool Grasshopper. A 3D reference model of a small residential campus is developed. The outdoor thermal comfort level is studied for this case, and Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) is evaluated. Further, several UHI mitigation strategies such as wall and roof reflectivity, vegetation, plantation, pavement configuration, and shading are applied to find their effect on the micro-climate and outdoor thermal comfort. Based on the simulation outcomes, urban geometry is identified as the most influential design factor in decreasing the urban heat island effect and outdoor thermal comfort. The study's principal objective is to develop a simulation framework including all mitigation strategies and find the best case for UHI reduction.







Vaibhav Rai Khare
Environmental Design Solutions, New Delhi, Delhi, India


Environmental Design Solutions, New Delhi, Delhi, India 


Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Energy Systems (Chubu Electric Power) Funded Research Division, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University, Japan


Mahdi Khosravy
Cross Labs, Cross-compass Ltd., Tokyo, Japan


Abdul Matin Ibrahimi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan


Alexey Mikhaylov
Research Center of Monetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan



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 Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution (ISSN 2435-7278)  

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Analysis of digital platforms’ business models and their applications in the 4th industrial revolution
Shenkoya T.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution (ISSN 2435-7278), 2022, 3 (1): 1-12  DOI 10.37357/1068/jetr/3.1.01


Digital revolution, as a result of the fourth industrial revolution is changing the way people live and conduct their business. Its promise of sustainability is building optimism amongst users. However, there is a lack of research in understanding how digital platform business models can be tailored for use in existing businesses and how this technology can be used to revolutionize new businesses. This study conducted a systematic literature review to create a deeper understanding of the technology of digital platform business models and their characteristics and application. The results of this study are used to develop a hybrid structure of the digital platform business models and their components. Also, this study identified the critical elements of the cyber-physical system. Herein, the core, trendy, intermittent, and emergent keywords relating to digital platform business models are placed and analyzed. This study contributed to the body of knowledge by an in-depth understanding of digital platform business models and their relevance in the fourth industrial revolution by removing barriers that may limit their use.







Temitayo Shenkoya 
Science and Technology Knowledge Research Institute, Chungnam National University (CNU), Daejeon, South Korea




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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal of Business and Management Revolution (ISSN 2435-7286)  

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
A concise review of green supply chain management within organization reform 
Zaheb H, Karimy H, Sabory NR, and Danish MSS.
Journal of Business and Management Revolution, 2022, 3 (1): 1-5  DOI 10.37357/1068/jbmr/3.1.01


Green-supply chain management practices improve organizational performance from a financial and non-financial perspective. This study aims to evaluate the impact of green supply chain strategies on organizational performance. High involvement of waste reduces the efficiency of the supply chain process, which ultimately creates an adverse impact on the performance of an organization. The lack of waste reduction strategies affects the environment in terms of pollution and over-consumption of energy. This study is descriptive, and the SLR (Systematic literature review) approach is used to evaluate the impact of green practices on organizational performance. The green supply chain practices reduce the company's cost because green strategies eliminate valueless elements for customers and increase the price. The research contributes to the field of academics and business as well. From a theoretical point of view, the desired study extends the literature for future scholars. From a business perspective, the selected research suggests strategies to reduce supply chain waste. Secondary research is used to collect the data, and results will be generated after evaluating peer-reviewed articles from authentic journals. It is concluded that green practices are the need of the present business era because businesses have to reduce waste and contribute to environmental protection to get a competitive advantage.







Hameedullah Zaheb
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan


Hedayatullah Karimy 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan


Najib Rahman Sabory
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan


Mir Sayed Shah Danish 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan



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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution (ISSN 2435-7294)  

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
A thematic analysis of the pandemic impact on universities students’ mental health
Iftikhar Z, Danish MSS, and Mikhaylov A.
Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 2022, 3 (1): 1-5  DOI 10.37357/1068/jepr/3.1.01


COVID-19 pandemic has made the future uncertain for many in general, but students in particular because institutes suddenly shutting down, while this new transition has hit everyone differently. Still, it has left significant pressure on the students specifically. This pandemic has changed the ways of living - financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally. This study analyses the impact of COVID-19 on students' mental health. It covers the globe, how they have been dealing with it, and which coping mechanisms worked best for them during this time. The study also discussed how different financial backgrounds had left a different psychological impact on the students. The methodology adopted utilizes all the previous research and their data, which helped us determine the most worked solution vs the least worked solution. In addition to literature, data from UNICEF about education and COVID-19 are utilized to determine the adverse impact of COVID-19. This study has also briefly touched on the impact of remote learning on students' mental health and how students have coped with this sudden yet uncertain new change. The research has come up with some proven solutions for students to perform better academically during this uncertain time without compromising their mental health.







Zunaira Iftikhar
Department of Physiotherapy & Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan


Mir Sayed Shah Danish 
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan


Alexey Mikhaylov
Research Center of Monetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation




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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Repa Conference Series (ISSN 2435-7308)  

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)    Open Access      Published     
AI applications in smart cities’ energy systems automation
Moghaddam SMSH, Dashtdar M, and Jafari H.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2022, 3 (1): 1-5  DOI 10.37357/1068/CRGS2022.3.1.02


Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in energy systems transformations in smart cities. Climate change and environmental sustainability imposed utilities to shift toward renewable energy resources and technologies applications in recent decades. Renewable energy technology deployment is associated with high initial investment and integration with the existing supply and demand systems. Operation stability has been challenging to integrate renewable energy with the customary old systems. On the other hand, renewable energy ensures sustainable energy and future development with minimum loss and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, AI is the primary mover of power systems modernization with high accuracy of management and control. This study tried to evaluate the efficiency and performance of AI in the renewable energy sector, focusing on the European Union as the case study. This study analyzes the first renewable energy processes in the chain and energy from gross to final consumption. Afterward economic consequences of renewable energy using natural resources (solar, wind, etc.) in smart cities are discussed. Finally, the efficiency of AI in renewable energy is examined, followed by future work.







Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Hosseini Moghaddam
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran


Massoud Dashtdar 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran


Hamideh Jafari
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran




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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)    Open Access      Published     
A review of zero energy residential complex in the smart city environment
Mousavi Rad E, Mousavi Z, and Razmjou M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2022, 3 (1): 6-11  DOI 10.37357/1068/CRGS2022.3.1.02


According to the studies conducted by the Energy Consumption Management and Optimization Organization, in the common constructions of the country, energy loss in buildings is often 22% through windows, 22% from floors, and 30% from walls. Applying the principles of energy consumption optimization in coordination with climatic conditions and design uses, as well as the use of active and passive methods, can play an effective role in reducing energy consumption in conventional urban buildings. This research aims to provide solutions that address how to reduce energy consumption while creating quality in the architectural space. These solutions are obtained by recognizing the indicators of sustainable and comparative study with the climate of the desired design context. In the present study, the role of technology and digital tools in the field, which is the first and most important step in locating roles and functions, as well as small-scale designs such as building facades. Then, the architectural recommendations of the climate and international standards were examined, and a total of solutions were presented to reach the zero energy building (ZEB). Finally, the simulation method in Design Builder software analyzed the amount of energy consumption in the residential complex and using the analysis of the researchers' efforts and finding the best answer to the problems of architecture and urban planning; results show a significant reduction in energy consumption to be able to manage available resources in the best way.







Eisa Mousavi Rad
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Marvdasht University, Fars, Iran


Zahra Mousavi 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Marvdasht University, Fars, Iran


Mehro Razmjou
Department Department of Electrical Engineering Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran




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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.


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