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 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
A review on energy efficiency for pathetic environmental trends mitigation
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Ahmadi M, Ludin GA, Ahadi MH, Karimy H, and Khosravy M.
Journal of Sustainability Outreach (ISSN 2435-7243), 2021, 2 (1): 1-8  DOI 10.37357/1068/jso.2.1.01


Environmental sustainability and climate changes mitigation are linked with energy efficiency and renewable energy deployment. Whereas, renewable energy exploitation at large scale generation needs high initial investment, which is not achievable in short to medium terms, especially in developing countries. Therefore, energy efficiency measures as a good alternative for environmental sustainability are the researchers' interest to evaluate its potential from individual energy consumers to utility-scale (generation, transmission, and distribution). Referring to literature and the connection between the second law of thermodynamics and environmental impact, environmental effects are reduced due to low energy when energy efficiency increases. Therefore, assuring demanding efficiency, interrelations studies, and impact analysis of influential factors are known exigence. This study draws a thematic perspective that involves an exhaustive investigation, explaining the relationship between exergy, environment, and energy within optimum efficiency requirements. Also, this study deals with indicators and indices in adapt to energy and environmental demand to reveal the underlying fundamental impressing forces regarding efficiency improvement.







Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 9030213, Japan


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 9030213, Japan


Mikaeel Ahmadi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 9030213, Japan

Gul Ahmad Ludin
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 9030213, Japan


Mohammad Hamid Ahadi
Department of Intellectual Cooperation, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa 900-0015, Japan


Hedayatullah Karimy
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Mahdi Khosravy
Media Integrated Communication Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 Japan




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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Sustaining energy systems using metal oxide composites as photocatalyst
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Ibrahimi AM, Bhattacharya A, Nazari Z, Danish SMS, and Ahmadi M.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (ISSN 2435-7251), 2021, 2 (1): 6-15  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.2.1.02


Among the various types of metal organic frameworks (MOFs), the metal-oxide-based ones fulfill all the essential criteria such as strong bonding, organic linking units, and highly crystalline nature, properties required to be effective photocatalysts to serve environmental remediation. Moreover, the even spread of active sites and semiconductor properties make the MOFs ideal for absorbing irradiation from UV as well as visible light sources. Metal oxide composites with carbon based materials, especially, show high photocatalytic activity toward the degradation of organic dyes. Considering the relatively low cost of metal oxide semiconductors compared to pure metallic nanoparticles, metal oxide composites can provide a great alternative as photocatalysts especially considering the adjustable bandgaps and synergistic effects. Therefore, the metal oxide application as the photocatalysts in industry and technology in terms of techno-economic advantage is attracted. In this study, energy sustainability and solving carbon-related issues through metal oxide-based materials are discussed. This study aims to review metal oxide composites including metal oxide-MOFs and metal oxide-carbon material compositions as photocatalysts, application, merits in environmental and energy systems performances, and its contribution as an influential factor for sustainable development.









Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Abdul Matin Ibrahimi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Arnab Bhattacharya
Department of Academic Affairs, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa 900-0015, Japan


Zahra Nazari
Department of Computer Science, Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Sayed Mir Shah Danish
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical Teachers Training Academy (TTTA), Chihl Sutton, Kabul, Afghanistan


Mikaeel Ahmadi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Smart and sustainable building appraisal
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Nazari M, Zaheb H, Nassor TS, Danish SMS, and Karimy H.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (ISSN 2435-7251), 2021, 2 (1): 1-5  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.2.1.01


In general terms, energy efficiency and conservation appraisal aspire to deliver an insatiable energy demand with less energy within the most significant amount of conservation and environmental benefits at the lowest possible price. Sustainable planning and design rely on a series of multi-disciplines: technical, technological, social, political, environmental, ecological, economic, institutional, and global restrictions that abstruse viable decision-making. Recent reports indicate that the residential building sector consumes 40% of the total energy and emits 30% of greenhouse gas (GHGs) worldwide. Thus accordingly, energy consumption in buildings is estimated at one-third of total primary energy resources. Therefore, proper modeling and optimization of a sustainable building in terms of energy efficiency and saving become a matter of focus. This paper explores an emerging picture of influential factors in the context of hands-on roadmap for energy-efficient and smart city planners, practitioners, scholars, and researchers. This study reviews the main points and proposes a framework in detail in the upcoming studies. Meanwhile, another objective of this paper was to introduce the most crucial indicators of energy-efficient building planning, design, and optimization to draw an exhaustive roadmap in compliance with resiliency, sustainability, and efficiency criteria throughout the lifecycle of a sustainable building.








Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 9030213, Japan


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Masooma Nazari
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Alberta, Alberta T6G 2R3, Canada


Hameedullah Zaheb
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Thabit Salim Nassor
Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Karume Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Mbweni Road, Zanzibar, Tanzania


Sayed Mir Shah Danish
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical Teachers Training Academy (TTTA), Chihl Sutton, Kabul, Afghanistan


Hedayatullah Karimy
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan



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 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
A review on environmental-friendly energy multidisciplinary exposition from goals to action
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Faisal N, Stannikzai MZ, Nazari AM, and Vargas-Hernández JG.
Journal of Environmental Science Revolution (ISSN 2435-726X), 2021, 2 (1): 1-9  DOI 10.37357/1068/jesr.2.1.01


The world over-reliance on fossil fuels as a source of energy has led to a tremendous increase in environmental and climate change distresses. It has negatively impacted the ecosystem such that, if not checked, it will lead to dire consequences to the current population and jeopardize future generations’ well-being. The natural capital, being finite, can only sustain the world for several years. This paper analyses how technical, technological, economic, social, institutional, and political dimensions interact with sustainability. It also proposes the best approach to achieving sustainability goals proposed by the United Nations (UN). This empiric analysis paper relies on the literature review not analytical models. It comes up that there is no single methodology that will maintain sustainability requirements by 2030 independence, and every effort toward suitability needs specific measures of a unique nature. A multifaceted approach is ideal. It will take individuals, corporates, civil societies, non-state organizations, and governments to sustain sustainability significantly. All the above-listed dimensions influence environmental sustainability making it imperative to use relevant approaches in pursuing energy and environmental sustainability. Besides, cross-sector and intergovernmental methodologies are vital in achieving sustainable development. Therefore, this study focused on sustainability pillars expositions from lessons learned and examples, including political leadership, governance, policy, legislation, etc. That can influence sustainable development dimensions in achieving overall energy and environmental sustainability objectives. So, sustainability needs to be a global top priority list and executed as a matter of urgency.









Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Nadeem Faisal
Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering and Technology, Centre for Skilling and Technical Support, Balasore, Odisha, India


Mohammad Zubair Stanikzai
Department of Academic Affairs, REPA—Research and Education Promotion Association, Okinawa, 900-0015, Japan


Abdul Malik Nazari
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


José G. Vargas-Hernández6
University Center for Economic and Managerial Sciences, University of Guadalajara, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Developing nations as a foremost allotment for achieving 2030 SDGs – A case study
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Urasaki N, Rahmany NA, Ershad AM, Sabory NR, Zarabie AK, Anwarzai MA, Karimy H, and Zaheb H.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution (ISSN 2435-7278), 2021, 2 (1): 1-10  DOI 10.37357/1068/jetr.2.1.01


Afghanistan endows enormous renewable and nonrenewable resources as a primary impetus for development of energy and agriculture. The percentage of the population whose access to the essential daily necessities for having a healthy life is among the lowest in the world. This dilemma chiefly refers to the rural and remote communities in Afghanistan. In terms of rural societies, sustainable development is a decision-making strategy that balances social, economic, technical, institutional, and environmental aspects that assures the present needs of humankind, considering the future anticipation simultaneously. The concept developed in this study targets achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs), which are appropriate for rural and remote residents’ lifestyle change and improvement in Afghanistan. Setting measurable sustainability indicators is indispensable for the productive invention of a sustained plane for a sustainable rural community. This study proposes a sustainable mechanism for Afghanistan's rural development by confirming the 2030 sustainable development 17 Goals (SDGs). Among these SDGs, the designed framework (methodology) meets 11 goals directly and the rest of 6 goals indirectly.  Besides, the proposed framework propounds a novel solution and involves all crucial segments of routine healthy life in rural Afghanistan. It consecrated criteria that fit the real-life anticipations and can lead the rural communities toward self-sufficiency for long-run sustainability.  Based on the academic research and experts' judgment methods, overall analysis procedures can fit as an analogy, especially for other communities and developing countries as a pilot project.








Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Naomitsu Urasaki
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Nisar Ahmad Rahmany
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Ahmad Murtaza Ershad
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Najib Rahman Sabory
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Ahmad Khaled Zarabie
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Mohammad Abed Anwarzai
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Hedayatullah Karimy
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


Hameedullah Zaheb
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Society empowerment by sustaining volunteerism culture
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Tayarani SM, Marasigan MAJ, Zaheb H, Gebarowska A, and Grilli ML.
Journal of Business and Management Revolution, 2021, 2 (1): 1-9  DOI 10.37357/1068/jbmr/2.1.01


This study interrogates the role of volunteers in society empowerment to enable students with a broad view of volunteerism as a first action. This study aims to encourage volunteer research, education, and social activities at the undergraduate and graduate students' levels.  At first sight, significant workforce needs exist in educational research and studies, while only a small percentage of students volunteer their services. Consequently, many students miss the opportunity to give back to the community and excel in their academic and career assets in the long run. The analysis exposed that students are the first beneficially in unique ways if they volunteer in research and education. It is also observed that research immensely impacts learning, and knowledge positively influences society. Therefore, by implication, volunteer activities in research and education will benefit young volunteers and communities. Besides, volunteer opportunities are readily available to students. Also, conducting volunteer activities has been impactful on the overall performance rating. A volunteer should train and learn best practices and behavior. It will promote educational research, student success and improve livelihood in the community. In conclusion, this study reveals that volunteering in the field of education and research is critically important for students to participate in volunteer activities.








Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Seyedeh Maryam Tayarani
Department of Academic Affairs, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa 900-0015, Japan


Michell Ann Julieth Marasigan
Liaison Office, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa 900-0015, Japan


Hameedullah Zaheb
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Alexandra Gebarowska
Department of Academic Affairs, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa 900-0015, Japan


Maria Luisa Grilli
Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Casaccia Research Centre, 00123 Rome, Italy


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article     Open Access      Published     
Afghanistan aquaculture and fishery sectors – A foresight outlooks
Danish MSS, Ibrahimi AM, Yaqobi MA, Udagawa S, Mikhaylov A, Faisal N, and Senjyu T.
Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 2021, 2 (1): 17-37  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.2.1.03


Aquaculture systems and technologies are growing industries in many countries with high environmental and socio-economic advantages. Afghanistan, a landlocked country in South Asia with diverse geographic and ecological features, reported the lowest fish consumption rate (just above 2 kg per capita). After conflicts and instability in Afghanistan, aquaculture and fisheries sectors revived slowly, followed by a rapid production and demand increase in the last four years. However, Afghanistan can demonstrate with a long history of fishery and agriculture productions in the past, but the post-conflict and stability efforts are minimal. Therefore, Afghanistan's aquaculture and fisheries sectors are conventional and require more effort to study and propose viable solutions aligned with today’s technological and sustainability requirements. Adequate and historically documented information about Afghanistan's aquaculture and fisheries activities are pretty limited. This study covers previous aquaculture initiatives, establishes a thematic review of the current situation based on little available information, and follows by a foresight outlook of the future trends.  Besides, it presents the essential factors associated with production-efficient aquaculture and fishery systems in light of economic and production performance indicators. These indicators are briefly discussed that contribute to system planners and practitioners in decision-making and optimizing economic and operational efficiencies. Besides of studying Afghanistan aquaculture and fishery sectors, the basic criteria for successful small scale aquaculture are also presented that can be counted as one of the recent compositions of the subject in terms of scholarly managed information within an exhaustive insight.







Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Abdul Matin Ibrahimi
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Mohammad Aman Yaqobi
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Shingo Udagawa
Strategic Research Project Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


Alexey Mikhaylov
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 125167, Russia


Nadeem Faisal
Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering and Technology, Centre for Skilling and Technical Support, Balasore, Odisha, India


Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published     
The influence of land management and date of planting on physical properties of Safid e Pai-saye onion (Allium cepa L.
Salari H, Hansra BS, and Saharawat YS.
Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 2021, 2 (1): 1-7  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.2.1.01


Onion botanically named Allium cepa L. is a major crop of Alliaceae family. It is one of the largest commercially grown vegetables in the world including Afghanistan. This crop originated from Afghanistan and large number of its wild varieties are observed in the country. Local variety named Safid e Paisaye was selected for this investigation due to its capacity of longer storage and higher demand in the market. Very less research efforts are made to improve its bulb quality and share in the market. This investigation is carried out at Kabul university agriculture research farm in coordination with Amity University Uttar Pradesh, to study the effect of land management and planting date on bulb physical properties of onion. The parameters studied in this investigation include bulb width (cm), length (cm), thickness (cm), geometric mean diameter, arithmetic mean diameter, shape index, sphericity, roundness, ellipsoid ratio, frontal surface, cross sectional area, total area, number of scales, equatorial firmness (Kg/cm2) and polar firmness (Kg/cm2). The data is collected using required tools and was analyzed using R statistical analysis software. The results showed significant effect of planting date on physical properties of onion bulb. The first planting date (10th May) recorded the largest bulb width (6.95 cm), length (4.42 cm), thickness (6.75 cm), geometric mean diameter (5.91 cm), arithmetic mean diameter (6.04 cm), frontal surface (24.26 cm2), cross sectional area (28.84 cm2) and total area (110.63 cm2). The same planting date recorded the lowest values for bulb shape index (0.64) and sphericity (0.85). Land management practices did not have significant effect on physical properties of onion bulb. None of the studied factors had significant effect on bulb roundness, ellipsoid ratio, number of scales, equatorial firmness and polar firmness. Conclusions: early planting of Safid e Paisaye onion seedlings can increase bulb size and improve bulb physical characteristics. This also helps to maintain the flat and round shape of onion bulb. Land preparation method and plough depth do not have significant influence on physical properties of onion bulb.



Hamid Salari
Department of Horticulture, Amity Institute of Horticulture Studies and Research, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India


B.S. Hansra
Department of Horticulture, Amity Institute of Horticulture Studies and Research, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India


Yashpal Singh Saharawat
Department of Soil Science, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published     
Impact of Evaporative cooling technology & Post-harvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato of two different harvesting stages (Solanum lycopersicum var. Pearson)
Hakimi SS, Raina R, Saharawat YS.
Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 2021, 2 (1): 8-16  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.2.1.02


The Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC) is the needed evaporative cooling system introduced as one of the economical small scale on-farm storage in Afghanistan for enhancing the shelf life of tomato and other fresh crops. Tomato is one of the highest value crops, and due to excellent flavor, higher juice, and pulp content of tomato fruits of “Pearson” variety makes it further valuable. Hence, this study aims to understand the effect of ZECC and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato’s fruits harvested at turning and light red colors’ stages. Fruits were treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 and mint leaf extract solutions and kept in both ZECC and ambient storages. The shelf life of tomato fruits extended up to 29 days under T4 (turning color fruits + 6% CaCl2 + ZECC). Under the same treatment, the highest firmness as 840.0 grcm-2   and the lowest PLW, Decay Losses and TSS were recorded as 1.80%, 0.0% and 4.400 brix, respectively; on the 20th day of the storage. The lowest shelf life under T11 (Light red color fruits + distilled water dip + Ambient condition) was about 8 days. As a result, the ZECC as an evaporative cooling system significantly enhanced the shelf life and maintained the quality of tomato fruits harvested at the turning color stage treated with 6% CaCl2.




Sayed Samiullah Hakimi
Horticulture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan
AIHSR, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India


Ravinder Raina
AFAF, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India


Yashpal Singh Saharawat
SSAC, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan 
Wali M, Majidi H, Abdullah MA, and Yaqobi MH.
Journal of Sustainability Outreach, 2020, 1 (1): 1-9  DOI 10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.021


Currently, Afghanistan imports a high percentage of electric energy from the neighboring countries, while less attention has been paid on the utilization of internal domestic energy resources. Recently progress has been made with solar and wind energy, but other sources such as hydro energy remain underappreciated. Originally intended as a short-term solution to fulfill demand, the policy for importing power from neighboring countries is still in effect as energy demand has increased dramatically and exposed vulnerabilities in the existing power system. These issues can be categorized based on different aspects like technical, economic, political, security-related issues, natural disasters and many others that negatively affect the reliability of the energy sector. In this paper, the sustainability of the power system of Afghanistan is analyzed from different aspects. These multi-disciplinary problems are analyzed separately and linked with the weaknesses of the existing power system. The main objective of this study is to propose long-term solutions to the power sector by encouraging investment in the internal power generation to enhance sustainability and reliability. The proposed long-term solution also takes additional measures towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDG) such as economic growth, agricultural development, groundwater recharge, industrial development, flood and water control, job creation, and a green and clean environment.



Wali M, Majidi H, Abdullah MA, Yaqobi MH (2020) “A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan” Journal of Sustainability Outreach (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–9) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01



Wali, M., Majidi, H., Abdullah, M. A., & Yaqobi, M. H. (2020). A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan. Journal of Sustainability Outreach, 1(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01



Wali, Mohebullah, et al. “A Study on Sustainability of Internal Power Generation Compared with Imported Power in Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainability Outreach, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–9, doi:10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.



Wali M, Majidi H, Abdullah MA, Yaqobi MH. A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan. J Sustainability Outreach. 2020;1(1):1–9.



Wali, Mohebullah, Himayatullah Majidi, Milad Ahmad Abdullah, and Mohammad Homayoun Yaqobi. 2020. “A Study on Sustainability of Internal Power Generation Compared with Imported Power in Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainability Outreach 1 (1): 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.



Wali, M., Majidi, H., Abdullah, M.A., Yaqobi, M.H., 2020. A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan. J. Sustainability Outreach 1, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01 



Wali, H. Majidi, M. A. Abdullah, and M. H. Yaqobi, “A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan,” J. Sustainability Outreach, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.



Wali, M., Majidi, H., Abdullah, M.A., Yaqobi, M.H.: A study on sustainability of internal power generation compared with imported power in Afghanistan. J. Sustainability Outreach. 1, 1–9 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.


Mohebullah Wali
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Himayatullah Majidi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Milad Ahmad Abdullah
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mohammad Homayoun Yaqobi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub  
Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Zaheb H, Sabory NR, Ahamadi M, Ibrahimi AM, Nazari Z, and Ahadi MH.
Journal of Sustainability Outreach, 2020, 1 (1): 10-14  DOI 10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02


The enormous potential supply of energy in central Asia offers an excellent opportunity to estab-lish international energy-sharing agreements, mitigate political instability, and improve regional socio-economic development. Pakistan and India have increasingly relied on energy imported from Middle and Central Asia to meet frequent energy shortages. Afghanistan has played a central role in recent efforts to balance energy trade among regional countries with an emerging opportunity as an emerging energy hub. This study considers what energy trade policies and strategies are needed to transform Afghanistan from energy consumer to energy provider. This analysis sum-marizes multi-disciplinary approaches that target geopolitics, economic, trade, management, insti-tutional, environmental, and technical aspects. This study avoided a commentary description of the subject. The overriding objective of this study is addressing key solutions to enable Afghani-stan as a leading stakeholder of the energy hub in the region countries. The finding of this study is outlined in 30 recommendations. Beneficiaries and stakeholders also express increasing concern about Afghanistan’s current security and political stability. This brief study can inform students, researchers, scholars, and interested policymakers with the recent trends and future outlook.



Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Zaheb H, Sabory NR, Ahmadi M, et al. (2020) “Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub” Journal of Sustainability Outreach (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–14) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02



Danish, M. S. S., Senjyu, T., Zaheb, H., Sabory, N. R., Ahmadi, M., Ibrahimi, A. M., Nazari, Z., & Ahadi, M. H. (2020). Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub. Journal of Sustainability Outreach, 1(1), 10–14. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02



Danish, Mir Sayed Shah, et al. “Afghanistan as an Emerging Regional Energy Hub.” Journal of Sustainability Outreach, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 10–14. Open WorldCat, doi:10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02.



Danish MSS, Senjyu T, Zaheb H, Sabory NR, Ahmadi M, Ibrahimi AM, et al. Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub. J Sustainability Outreach. 2020;1(1):10–4.



Danish, Mir Sayed Shah, Tomonobu Senjyu, Hameedullah Zaheb, Najib Rahman Sabory, Mikaeel Ahmadi, Abdul Matin Ibrahimi, Zahra Nazari, and Mohammad Hamid Ahadi. 2020. “Afghanistan as an Emerging Regional Energy Hub.” Journal of Sustainability Outreach 1 (1): 10–14. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02.



Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T., Zaheb, H., Sabory, N.R., Ahmadi, M., Ibrahimi, A.M., Nazari, Z., Ahadi, M.H., 2020. Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub. J. Sustainability Outreach 1, 10–14. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02



  1. S. S. Danish et al., “Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub,” J. Sustainability Outreach, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–14, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02.



Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T., Zaheb, H., Sabory, N.R., Ahmadi, M., Ibrahimi, A.M., Nazari, Z., Ahadi, M.H.: Afghanistan as an emerging regional energy hub. J. Sustainability Outreach. 1, 10–14 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.02.


Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Projects Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Tomonobu Senjyu

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Hameedullah Zaheb

Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Najib Rahman Sabory

Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mikaeel Ahamadi

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Abdul Matin Ibrahimi

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Zahra Nazari

Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mohammad Hamid Ahadi

Department of Academic Affairs, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa, Japan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Role of micro-hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural Afghanistan 
Sadiq MAF, Sabory NR, Danish MSS, and  Senjyu T.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 1-7  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.01


Afghanistan hosts the Hindu Kush, an extension of the Himalaya mountains that act as water sources for five major rivers flowing through Afghanistan. Most of these rivers provide promise for the construction of water dams and installment of micro hydropower plants (MHP). Although civil war and political strife continue to threaten the country for more than four decades, the Afghan government introduced strategic plans for the development of the country. In 2016 Afghanistan introduced the Afghanistan National Peace and Development (ANPD) Framework at Brussels de-signed to support Afghanistan’s progress towards achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). This study discussed the 7th Goal (ensuring access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for all) and 8th Goal (promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all) alignment in Afghanistan. The Afghan government acknowledges its responsibility to provide electricity for all of its citizens, but this can only be achieved if the government can secure a reliable source of energy. Afghanistan’s mountainous terrain provides a challenge to build a central energy distribution system. Therefore this study looks for alternative solutions to the energy problems in Afghanistan and explores feasibility of micro-hydropower plant installations in remote areas. This study evaluated socio-economic im-pacts of micro-hydropower plants in the life of average residents. We focused on one example of a micro hydropower plant located in Parwan, conducted interviews with local residents, and gathered on-site data. The findings in this study can help policymakers to analyze the effects of development projects in the social and economic life of residents. It will encourage the government and hopefully the private sector to invest in decentralized energy options, while the country is facing an ever-growing energy demand.



Sadiq MAF, Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Senjyu T (2020) “Role of micro hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural in Afghanistan” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–7) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01



Sadiq, M. A. F., Sabory, N. R., Danish, M. S. S., & Senjyu, T. (2020). Role of micro hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural in Afghanistan. Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, 1(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01



Sadiq, Mohammad Airaj Firdaws, et al. “Role of Micro Hydropower Plants in Socio-Economic Development of Rural in Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–7, doi:10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.



Sadiq MAF, Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Senjyu T. Role of micro hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural in Afghanistan. J Sustain Energy Rev. 2020;1(1):1–7.



Sadiq, Mohammad Airaj Firdaws, Najib Rahman Sabory, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, and Tomonobu Senjyu. 2020. “Role of Micro Hydropower Plants in Socio-Economic Development of Rural in Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution 1 (1): 1–7. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.



Sadiq, M.A.F., Sabory, N.R., Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T., 2020. Role of micro hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural in Afghanistan. J. Sustain Energy Rev. 1, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01



  1. A. F. Sadiq, N. R. Sabory, M. S. S. Danish, and T. Senjyu, “Role of micro hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural in Afghanistan,” J. Sustain Energy Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01.



Sadiq, M.A.F., Sabory, N.R., Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T.: Role of micro hydropower plants in socio-economic development of rural in Afghanistan. J. Sustain Energy Rev. 1, 1–7 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jso.1.1.01


Mohammad Airaj Firdaws Sadiq
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Najib Rahman Sabory

Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mir Sayed Shah Danish

Strategic Research Projects Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Tomonobu Senjyu

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

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  3. Danish MSS, Sabory NR, Danish SMS, Senjyu T, Ludin GA, et al. (2017) “Electricity Sector Development Trends in an After-war Country: Afghanistan Aspiration for an In-dependent Energy Country” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 553–557) https://doi.org/10.17265/1934-8975/2017.08.007

  4. Ludin GA, Matayoshi H, Danish MSS, Yona A, Senjyu T (2017) “Hybrid PV/Wind/Diesel Based Distributed Gen-eration for an Off-Grid Rural Village in Afghanistan” Jour-nal of Energy and Power Engineering (vol. 11, no. 2, ) https://doi.org/10.17265/1934-8975/2017.02.003

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan 
Slimankhil AK, Anwarzai MA, Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Ahmadi M, and Ahadi MH.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 8-15  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02


Afghanistan is one of the developing countries in South Asia with an enormous renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. Since 1893, utilization of secondary (modern) form of energy in Afghanistan has been pursued. The trends of sustainable energy provision have been reinforced after the post-conflicts in Afghanistan. The Sustainable Development Goal-7 (affordable and clean energy access) encourages nations to assess their resource development of renewable, affordable, and accessible energy. Unlike many developing countries that struggle to identify domestic sources of clean, sustainable energy, Afghanistan has hydro, solar, wind, and geothermal resources as assets. This literature review analyzes Afghanistan’s potential for renewable energy to identify obstacles and challenges like security, economics, and technology. Using surveys conducted by national and international organizations. This research evaluates Afghanistan’s progress in meeting SDG-7, identifies the main barriers for renewable energy development, and offers recommended solutions. This study reveals the facts of energy sector development in Afghanistan to enable students, researchers, and practitioners with an overview of the current situation and future direction of the energy sector. Also, this study offers a concise outlook for energy sector investors and donors at the national and international stages.



Slimankhil AK, Anwarzai MA, Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Ahmadi M, et al. (2020) “Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8–15) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02



Slimankhil, A. K., Anwarzai, M. A., Sabory, N. R., Danish, M. S. S., Ahmadi, M., & Ahadi, M. H. (2020). Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan. Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, 1(1), 8–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02



Slimankhil, Ahmad Khalid, et al. “Renewable Energy Potential for Sustainable Development in Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 8–15. Zotero, doi:10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02.



Slimankhil AK, Anwarzai MA, Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Ahmadi M, Ahadi MH. Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan. J Sustain Energy Rev. 2020;1(1):8–15.



Slimankhil, Ahmad Khalid, Mohammad Abed Anwarzai, Najib Rahman Sabory, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, Mikaeel Ahmadi, and Mohammad Hamid Ahadi. 2020. “Renewable Energy Potential for Sustainable Development in Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution 1 (1): 8–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02.



Slimankhil, A.K., Anwarzai, M.A., Sabory, N.R., Danish, M.S.S., Ahmadi, M., Ahadi, M.H., 2020. Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan. J. Sustain Energy Rev. 1, 8–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02



  1. K. Slimankhil, M. A. Anwarzai, N. R. Sabory, M. S. S. Danish, M. Ahmadi, and M. H. Ahadi, “Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan,” J. Sustain Energy Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8–15, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02.



Slimankhil, A.K., Anwarzai, M.A., Sabory, N.R., Danish, M.S.S., Ahmadi, M., Ahadi, M.H.: Renewable energy potential for sustainable development in Afghanistan. J. Sustain Energy Rev. 1, 8–15 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.02.


Ahmad Khalid Slimankhil
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mohammad Abed Anwarzai

Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Najib Rahman Sabory

Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mir Sayed Shah Danish

Strategic Research Projects Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Mikaeel Ahmadi

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Mohammad Hamid Ahadi

Department of Academic Affairs, Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Okinawa, Japan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Energy related implications for clean, livable, and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan
Sabory NR, Danish MSS, and  Senjyu T.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 16-19  DOI 10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03


Cities are predicted to host 80 % of the populations by 2050 condiering the current urbanization rate. It is inevitable. No choice is left to us but to keep our cities clean and livable. Efficient use of energy is tightly linked with the smart cities. Looking at the technology development trends and the extensive need for efficient use of energy, cities must be transforming to smart ones in order to keep them clean and livable for this and generations to come. Kabul city population has been growing so rapidly and also expanding widely to its outskirts in the last two decades. Environmental footprints has been so significant and diverse. One of the critical issue with Kabul city has been the access to clean and abundant sources of Energy. At the same time, lack of a  master plan for its future has made this city in the danger of become empty from the habitants in few decades. This is very important to draw future now. Develop a new vision for our cities that is meeting the requirements of future. Kabul city needs one badly. One important area of a city to be discussed is its energy demand, supply and consumption. In this research, energy demand, sustainable sources of energy supply and consumption is thoroughly discussed. Based on our key assumption, livable and clean Kabul, all the other parameters are analyzed and suggested. In specific, we have discussed the energy demand for electricity, heating & cooling of buildings, transportation and industry. It is also assumed that Kabul will be modern and smart city with state of the art technology available all around it. Key data and references for this research are;1. Sasaki Urban Design Framework for Kabul city, 2. Previous master plans of Kabul city, 3. Energy strategies and outlooks for Afghanistan, 4. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and many other guidelines internationally used for urban planning and design. This research will help policy makers, urban planners and designers, municipality authorities, other urban issues related sectors to work jointly and make smart and rational decisions for the capital of Afghanistan and save it from going abandoned.



Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Senjyu T (2020) “Energy related implications for clean, livable and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 16–19) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03



Sabory, N. R., Danish, M. S. S., & Senjyu, T. (2020). Energy related implications for clean, livable and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan. Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, 1(1), 16–19. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03



Sabory, Najib Rahman, et al. “Energy Related Implications for Clean, Livable and Smart Kabul: A Policy Recommendation for the Energy Sector and Urban Sector of Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 16–19, doi:10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03.



Sabory NR, Danish MSS, Senjyu T. Energy related implications for clean, livable and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan. J Sustain Energy Rev. 2020;1(1):16–9.



Sabory, Najib Rahman, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, and Tomonobu Senjyu. 2020. “Energy Related Implications for Clean, Livable and Smart Kabul: A Policy Recommendation for the Energy Sector and Urban Sector of Afghanistan.” Journal of Sustainable Energy Revolution 1 (1): 16–19. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03.



Sabory, N.R., Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T., 2020. Energy related implications for clean, livable and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan. J. Sustain Energy Rev. 1, 16–19. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03



  1. R. Sabory, M. S. S. Danish, and T. Senjyu, “Energy related implications for clean, livable and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan,” J. Sustain Energy Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 16–19, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03.



Sabory, N.R., Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T.: Energy related implications for clean, livable and smart Kabul: A policy recommendation for the energy sector and urban sector of Afghanistan. J. Sustain Energy Rev. 1, 16–19 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jser.1.1.03.


Najib Rahman Sabory
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mir Sayed Shah Danish

Strategic Research Projects Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Tomonobu Senjyu

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published    
Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river 
Rasouli MO, Sadat SH, and Xenarios S.
Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 1-6  DOI 10.37357/1068/jesr.1.1.01


Loss of land, disputes on sharing costs, and benefits of transboundary waterways are points of debate between neighboring countries. Unfortunately, weak, undeveloped countries always suffer more than their stronger neighbors. Due to economic, political, and institutional problems, Afghanistan is one country that faces challenges to develop the potential of its water resources. Each year, Amu River flooding causes great losses of land due to massive bank degradations and erosions for up to several kilometers. Currently little progress has been made to study, research, or manage the bank erosions of the Amu River. In the absence of field data, the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) may be used to analyze stream bank stability and toe erosion. This study was conducted to describe the Amu River stream bank using the BSTEM model for a restoration process. A field survey was conducted from February 3, 2019, to February 23, 2019; soil type, layer thickness, water table depth, and stream bank profile are entered into the BSTEM model with two different flow depths according to insights from villagers and well-diggers. Mass failure and toe erosion are two dominant mechanisms of Amu River bank failure, and the effectiveness of vegetation on bank protection is observed.



Rasouli MO, Sadat SH, Xenarios S (2020) “Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river” Journal of Environmental Science Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–6) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01



Rasouli, M. O., Sadat, S. H., & Xenarios, S. (2020). Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river. Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution, 1(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01



Rasouli, Mohammad Omar, et al. “Evaluating Stream Bank Instability and Toe Erosion Using BSTEM Model for the Amu River.” Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–6, doi:10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01.



Rasouli MO, Sadat SH, Xenarios S. Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river. J Environ Sci Rev. 2020;1(1):1–6.



Rasouli, Mohammad Omar, Sayed Hashmat Sadat, and Stefanos Xenarios. 2020. “Evaluating Stream Bank Instability and Toe Erosion Using BSTEM Model for the Amu River.” Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution 1 (1): 1–6. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01.



Rasouli, M.O., Sadat, S.H., Xenarios, S., 2020. Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river. J. Environ. Sci. Rev. 1, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01



  1. O. Rasouli, S. H. Sadat, and S. Xenarios, “Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river,” J. Environ. Sci. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–6, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01.



Rasouli, M.O., Sadat, S.H., Xenarios, S.: Evaluating stream bank instability and toe erosion using BSTEM model for the Amu river. J. Environ. Sci. Rev. 1, 1–6 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.01.


Mohammad Omar Rasouli
Department Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Sayed Hashmat Sadat
Department Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Stefanos Xenarios
Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan 
Sajood MK, and Safi AG.
Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 7-17  DOI 10.37357/1068/jesr.1.1.02


The upper portion of the ‎Panjshir River watershed consists of steep mountain ‎valleys in the Hindu Kush mountain range, which reaches over 6,000 meters above sea ‎level and remains snow covered throughout the year. The Glacier Lakes there pose a potential flood risk to the Panjshir valley. As the weather is warming ‎globally, the increasing temperatures accelerate the melting rate of the ‎glacier, causing the mountain ice caps to melt and create numerous lakes. Over the last decade, two of these lakes ruptured, leaving dozens of deaths, many hectares of land farm washed out, and hundreds of houses destroyed. This study looks at the potential impact of climate change on villagers in the province.‎ Hydro-‎‎meteorological data ‎(wind, temperature, precipitation, and runoff) from five meteorological stations over the last decade were analyzed with satellite imagery. Discharge data at the outlet of this sub-basin over ten years were also analyzed with remote sensing data for higher accuracy and validity.‎ Rising regional climate temperatures have resulted in faster snow and glacier melting, causing more discharge, high evapotranspiration, and higher ‎water demand. Although precipitation decreased between 2008 and 2018, ‎discharge increased from melting glaciers.‎ Satellite imagery reveals 234 lakes in the valley; ‎‎66 lakes have potential or high potential risk to the six districts of this province, and Paryan district is at most risk.



Sajood MK, Safi AG (2020) “Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan” Journal of Environmental Science Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 7–17) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02



Sajood, M. K., & Safi, A. G. (2020). Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan. Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution, 1(1), 7–17. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02



Sajood, Mariam Khulmi, and Abdul Ghias Safi. “Climate Change Impact on Glacier Lakes in Panjshir Province of Afghanistan.” Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 7–17, doi:10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02.



Sajood MK, Safi AG. Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan. J Environ Sci Rev. 2020;1(1):7–17.



Sajood, Mariam Khulmi, and Abdul Ghias Safi. 2020. “Climate Change Impact on Glacier Lakes in Panjshir Province of Afghanistan.” Journal of Environmental Sciences Revolution 1 (1): 7–17. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02.



Sajood, M.K., Safi, A.G., 2020. Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan. J. Environ. Sci. Rev. 1, 7–17. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02



  1. K. Sajood and A. G. Safi, “Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan,” J. Environ. Sci. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 7–17, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02.



Sajood, M.K., Safi, A.G.: Climate change impact on glacier lakes in Panjshir province of Afghanistan. J. Environ. Sci. Rev. 1, 7–17 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jesr/1.1.02.


Mariam Khulmi Sajood
Department of Hydrometeorology, Faculty of Geoscience, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Abdul Ghias Safi
Department of Hydrometeorology, Faculty of Geoscience, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study 
Mohammadi K, Sabory NR, Karimi K, Ahmadi M, Danish MSS, and Senjyu T.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 1-8  DOI 10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.01


Climate change and global warmings are the main challenges for today and the future nations from the health and environment perspectives. Energy generation utilizing fossil fuel is the leading cause of these issues. On its opposite side, elimination or suppression of fossil fuel utilization by introducing clean and abundant renewable energy resources could be the best solution. In general, renewable energies have  low efficiency and high capital cost compared to conventional fossil fuel-based energy supply. Therefore, without considering proper approaches and techniques, it is not encouraging  to supply energy through renewable energy resources. Conquering the problem, we need to find the best method and ways to create cheap and efficient energy by renewable sources as possible. In this paper, a methodology is investigated and proposed to simultaneously save energy and cost considering useful parameters such as the effect of different modules, temperature, location, and tilt angle. An estimation-based tool developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) known as PV Watts, which is utilized in this paper. A 10 kW photovoltaic system with three different modules in two different locations Kabul and Kandahar in Afghanistan is selected as a case study. From the results, it is found that selection of a specific module for a specific region with different temperatures and appropriate title angles has a significant effect on the performance of photovoltaic systems. It is worthy of mention that before implementing a photovoltaic system, different aspects of the system should be evaluated using proper software/tools in order to achieve optimal energy performance. Finally, better energy system performance contributes to the attraction of investment in renewable energy resources as a clean and sustainable energy supply option.



Mohammadi K, Sabory NR, Karimi K, Ahmadi M, Danish MSS, et al. (2020) “Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study” Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–8) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01



Mohammadi, K., Sabory, N. R., Karimi, K., Ahmadi, M., Danish, M. S. S., & Senjyu, T. (2020). Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution, 1(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01



Mohammadi, Khalil, et al. “Performance Evaluation of Different Photovoltaic (PV) Modules: A Case Study.” Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–8, doi:10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01.



Mohammadi K, Sabory NR, Karimi K, Ahmadi M, Danish MSS, Senjyu T. Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study. J Eng Technol Rev. 2020;1(1):1–8.



Mohammadi, Khalil, Najib Rahman Sabory, Kambiz Karimi, Mikaeel Ahmadi, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, and Tomonobu Senjyu. 2020. “Performance Evaluation of Different Photovoltaic (PV) Modules: A Case Study.” Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution 1 (1): 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01.



Mohammadi, K., Sabory, N.R., Karimi, K., Ahmadi, M., Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T., 2020. Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study. J. Eng. Technol. Rev. 1, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01



  1. Mohammadi, N. R. Sabory, K. Karimi, M. Ahmadi, M. S. S. Danish, and T. Senjyu, “Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study,” J. Eng. Technol. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01.



Mohammadi, K., Sabory, N.R., Karimi, K., Ahmadi, M., Danish, M.S.S., Senjyu, T.: Performance evaluation of different photovoltaic (PV) modules: A case study. J. Eng. Technol. Rev. 1, 1–8 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.01.


Khalil Mohammadi
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Najib Rahman Sabory
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Kambiz Karimi
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Mikaeel Ahmadi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Strategic Research Projects Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Tomonobu Senjyu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid 
Joya AJ ,and Shirani H.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 9-15  DOI 10.37357/1068/jetr/1.1.02


Energy has been harvested from water, wind and solar as isolated distributed generation (DG) to electrify rural households and villages in Afghanistan. Several solar PV and wind farms have been or planned to be built as isolated distributed generators in those provinces that have no access to national grid.  While it is ideal that the national electrical grid be extended to those provinces and regions, these distributed generators are not compatible with the operating voltage specifications of the national grid. In this study, we have focused on changing the topology of distribution grid at the planning and design stage by introducing active devices to control voltage, especially in the weak nodes of the grid. At substations which convert DG to MV/LV, using two active devices such as On Load Tap Changing-Phase Shifting Transformer (OLTC-PST) and Static Synchronize Compensator (STATCOM) should be considered in the design. The integration a 1-MW wind power distributed generator in Panjshir province of Afghanistan with the national grid network is considered. Introducing these active devices that increases the installed DG power in weak networks is analyzed. An operation and control strategy for the Active Substation is verified by temporal power flow simulations. The results show that using these active devices can increase the active power injection capability in weak networks.



Joya AJ, Shirani H (2020) “Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid” Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution  (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9–15) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02



Joya, A. J., & Shirani, H. (2020). Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid. Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution, 1(1), 9–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02



Joya, Ali Jan, and Habiburahman Shirani. “Active Substation Design for Distributed Generation Integration in Afghanistan’s Grid.” Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 9–15, doi:10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02.



Joya AJ, Shirani H. Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid. J Eng Technol Rev. 2020;1(1):9–15.



Joya, Ali Jan, and Habiburahman Shirani. 2020. “Active Substation Design for Distributed Generation Integration in Afghanistan’s Grid.” Journal of Engineering and Technology Revolution 1 (1): 9–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02.



Joya, A.J., Shirani, H., 2020. Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid. J. Eng. Technol. Rev. 1, 9–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02



  1. J. Joya and H. Shirani, “Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid,” J. Eng. Technol. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9–15, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02.



Joya, A.J., Shirani, H.: Active substation design for distributed generation integration in Afghanistan’s grid. J. Eng. Technol. Rev. 1, 9–15 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jetr.1.1.02.


Ali Jan Joya
Ministry of Energy and Water, Kabul, Afghanistan

Habiburahman Shirani
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan: A case study of Kabul city 
Khan AB.
Journal of Business and Management Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 1-9  DOI 10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01


Having been a war zone for the last four decades, Afghanistan is one of the developing countries where affordable access to quality education is still a dream for many of its people. According to the 2017 UNICEF Annual Report, over 40% (3.7 million) of school-age children were out of school in Afghanistan. In order to better design projects and programs that are working towards reducing this number, it is necessary first to understand the root causes of the issue. The objective of this research is to assess and analyze some of the various social and economic barriers that keep children out of school in Kabul City and hence, offer additional key information and recommendations for limiting this critical issue. Primary data of 300 children were collected through a survey conducted randomly in Kabul City. The target population of this survey were working children (between the ages of 5 and 18) and parents from households of different ethnic, linguistic, and regional backgrounds. Poverty and cultural limitations were found to be the most common factors preventing Afghan children from going to school. Other factors like access, physical disability, guardian’s type and education level, lack of infrastructure, child labor, and gender discrimination may also contribute to this issue. Results of the analysis suggest that government agencies can play a significant role in facilitating affordable access to quality education for all children by extending coverage of public schools, offering reasonable financial grants for poor families in order to avoid the need for child labor, and bringing necessary legal reforms in the traditional norms to discourage child marriage and gender discrimination.



Khan AB (2020) “Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan:  A case study of Kabul city” Journal of Management and Business Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–9) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01



Khan, A. B. (2020). Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan: A case study of Kabul city. Journal of Business and Management Revolution, 1(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01



Khan, Abdul Baseer. “Socio-Economic Barriers to Children’s Education in Afghanistan:  A Case Study of Kabul City.” Journal of Business and Management Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–9. Zotero, doi:10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01.



Khan AB. Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan:  A case study of Kabul city. J Bus Manage Rev. 2020;1(1):1–9.



Khan, Abdul Baseer. 2020. “Socio-Economic Barriers to Children’s Education in Afghanistan:  A Case Study of Kabul City.” Journal of Business and Management Revolution 1 (1): 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01.



Khan, A.B., 2020. Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan:  A case study of Kabul city. J. Bus. Manage. Rev. 1, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01



  1. B. Khan, “Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan:  A case study of Kabul city,” J. Bus. Manage. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01.



Khan, A.B.: Socio-economic barriers to children’s education in Afghanistan:  A case study of Kabul city. J. Bus. Manage. Rev. 1, 1–9 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.01.


Abdul Baseer Khan
Department of Business, Faculty of Business Administration, American University of Afghanistan (AUAF), Kabul, Afghanistan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan 
Azimi MN.
Journal of Business and Management Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 10-13  DOI 10.37357/1068/jbmr.1.1.02


Reducing poverty is a critical topic of policy discussion across the world. Developing countries and post-conflict environments commonly face poverty growth. At present, Afghanistan is experiencing the highest rate of poverty in the world; only one tenth of the Afghan population has access to financial services that are mostly localized within the capital and regional cities. In this paper I hypothesize financial inclusion as a contextualized model that can significantly reduce the rate of poverty. I use a set of timeseries data on financial inclusion determinants excluding insurance as the explanatory variables and linearly regress them on the rate of poverty from 2004 to 2018. The statistical results reveal that ATMs per 100,000 adults in the country significantly reduce poverty by 0.25% by increasing capital mobility and remittances. Credit cards and borrowing facilities to the informal economy have significant coefficients of 0.00635% and 0.0207% respectively on poverty reduction as an emergent strategy. The security variable has a significant coefficient of 41% reduction of poverty. Among all other variables tested, extending mobile money facilities is also significant and reduces poverty by 0.015%.



Azimi MN (2020) “Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan” Journal of Management and Business Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–13) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02



Azimi, M. N. (2020). Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan. Journal of Business and Management Revolution, 1(1), 10–13. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02



Azimi, Mohammad Naim. “Hypothesizing Resurgence of Financial Inclusion to Reduce Poverty in Afghanistan.” Journal of Business and Management Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 10–13, doi:10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02.



Azimi MN. Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan. J Bus Manage Rev. 2020;1(1):10–3.



Azimi, Mohammad Naim. 2020. “Hypothesizing Resurgence of Financial Inclusion to Reduce Poverty in Afghanistan.” Journal of Business and Management Revolution 1 (1): 10–13. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02.



Azimi, M.N., 2020. Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan. J. Bus. Manage. Rev. 1, 10–13. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02



  1. N. Azimi, “Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan,” J. Bus. Manage. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–13, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02.



Azimi, M.N.: Hypothesizing resurgence of financial inclusion to reduce poverty in Afghanistan. J. Bus. Manage. Rev. 1, 10–13 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jmbr.1.1.02.


Mohammad Naim Azimi
Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Economics, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published   
Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Lycoper-sicon esculentum Mill. var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition
Hakimi SS, Dubey N, and Saharawat YS.
Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 1-8  DOI 10.37357/1068/jepr.1.1.01


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) is one of the important commercial high value crops of Afghanistan. Among the different local varieties grown in Afghanistan, the “Pearson” variety is most popular because of its good commercial value due to its uniform globe shape and medium to large size. The study is conducted to understand the effects of different harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on the shelf life and postharvest quality of tomatoes (Pearson variety) stored under the Pusa Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC) at the research farm of Agriculture Faculty, Kabul University. This is the first time that ZECC is introduced in Afghanistan for enhancing fruit shelf life. The standard dimension ZECC was built with 165 x 115 x 67.6 cm dimensions. After harvesting tomatoes at different maturity stages (Turning, Pink, and Light red color stages), fruits were precooled, graded, and treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 and mint leaf extract solutions. Thereafter, the tomatoes were placed in plastic baskets and stored in the Zero Energy Cool Chamber. During storage period, Total Soluble Solids (TSS, 0brix), pH, firmness (gr cm-2), shelf life, pericarp thickness (mm), fruit volume (cc), and fruit density were recorded. Two factorial CRD design was considered with harvesting stages as the first factor and postharvest treatments as the second factor. The data revealed that the shelf life of tomatoes was extended up to 29 days under T2 (turning color fruits treated with 6% CaCl2) and followed by T8 (turning color fruits treated with 6% CaCl2 + 6% mint Leaves extract) up to 28 days. Under T2, quality parameters such as TSS and pH increased from 3.85%brix and 2.85 to 4.4 0brix and 3.4, respectively. Firmness, pericarp and volume decreased from 1750 grcm-2, 0.75cm and 135 cc to 840 grcm-2, 0.67cm and 127 cc, respectively. At the last observation, density remained unchanged (1.00 gr/cc).  In conclusion, tomatoes harvested at the turning-color stage treated with 6% CaCl2 and followed by 6% CaCl2 + 6% mint leaves’ extract had a significant effect on the enhancement of shelf life and quality of tomatoes under ZECC condition.



Hakimi SS, Dubey N, Saharawat YS (2020) “Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Ly- copersicon esculentum Mill. var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition” Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–8) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01



Hakimi, S. S., Dubey, N., & Saharawat, Y. S. (2020). Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Ly- copersicon esculentum Mill. Var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition. Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 1(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01



Hakimi, Sayed Samiullah, et al. “Effect of Harvesting Stages and Postharvest Treatments on Shelf Life and Quality of Tomato (Ly- Copersicon Esculentum Mill. Var. Pearson) Stored under ZECC Condition.” Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–8, doi:10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01.



Hakimi SS, Dubey N, Saharawat YS. Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Ly- copersicon esculentum Mill. var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition. J Ecosci Plant Rev. 2020;1(1):1–8.



Hakimi, Sayed Samiullah, Neeru Dubey, and Yashpal Singh Saharawat. 2020. “Effect of Harvesting Stages and Postharvest Treatments on Shelf Life and Quality of Tomato (Ly- Copersicon Esculentum Mill. Var. Pearson) Stored under ZECC Condition.” Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution 1 (1): 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01.



Hakimi, S.S., Dubey, N., Saharawat, Y.S., 2020. Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Ly- copersicon esculentum Mill. var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition. J. Ecosci. Plant Rev. 1, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01



  1. S. Hakimi, N. Dubey, and Y. S. Saharawat, “Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Ly- copersicon esculentum Mill. var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition,” J. Ecosci. Plant Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01.



Hakimi, S.S., Dubey, N., Saharawat, Y.S.: Effect of harvesting stages and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Ly- copersicon esculentum Mill. var. Pearson) stored under ZECC condition. J. Ecosci. Plant Rev. 1, 1–8 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.01.


Sayed Samiullah Hakimi
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Neeru Dubey
Amity International Centre for Post-Harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Faculty of Horticulture, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Yashpal Singh Saharawat
Department of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry (SSAC), Department of Soil Science, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Journal Article (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye)
Salari H, Hansra BS, Saharwat YS.
Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 2020, 1 (1): 9-14  DOI 10.37357/1068/jepr.1.1.02


Onion (Allium cepa L.) is among the most cultivated vegetable crops in the world. Afghanistan is thought to be the origin as several local and wild varieties are found in different parts of the country. Safid e Paisaye is a local variety grown in central parts of Afghanistan in the Ghorband valley. This variety has long storability and high market demand among restaurants in the region, but little research has been done to increase the quality and its availability to the market to increase its market share in Afghanistan. Conducted under supervision of Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India, at Agriculture Faculty Research Farm of Kabul University, this investigation looks at plough depth, land preparation methods, and planting date on quality and yield of onion bulb; it also studied other cultural practices including irrigation and fertilization dose and frequency. The parameters studied in this investigation include neck diameter (cm), bulb diameter (cm), neck to bulb ratio, bulb weight (gr), bulb volume (cm3), bulb density (gr/cm3), Total Soluble Solids (TSS) (Brix), firmness (Kg/cm2), marketable yield (MT/Ha), and total yield (MT/Ha). The data revealed that planting date has significant influence on bulb quality and yield of onion. The highest bulb diameter (6.95 cm), bulb weight (121 gr), bulb volume (128 cm3), marketable yield (32.54 MT/Ha), and total yield (34.24 MT/Ha) and the lowest neck to bulb ratio (0.04) were recorded for the first planting date (seed sown in nursery on 10 March - seedlings planted in field on 10 May). Land preparation methods only had significant influence on marketable yield; the highest marketable yield (26.90 MT/Ha) was recorded for flat bed land preparation method. Plough depth had no significant influence on onion quality and yield. Bulb density, TSS,and firmness were not significantly influenced by factors studied in this investigation. Conclusions: early sowing and planting of onion variety Safid e paisaye can significantly increase yield and productivity. Flat bed land preparation method is more suitable for higher productivity of onion variety Safid e Paisaye as compared to raised beds.



Salari H, Hansra BS, Saharwat YS (2020) “Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye)” Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9–14) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02



Salari, H., Hansra, B. S., & Saharwat, Y. S. (2020). Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye). Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, 1(1), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02



Salari, Hamid, et al. “Effect of Cultural Practices on Quality and Yield of Onion (Allium Cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye).” Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 9–14. Zotero, doi:10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02.



Salari H, Hansra BS, Saharwat YS. Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye). J Ecosci Plant Rev. 2020;1(1):9–14.



Salari, Hamid, B S Hansra, and Yashpal Singh Saharwat. 2020. “Effect of Cultural Practices on Quality and Yield of Onion (Allium Cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye).” Journal of Ecoscience and Plant Revolution 1 (1): 9–14. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02.



Salari, H., Hansra, B.S., Saharwat, Y.S., 2020. Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye). J. Ecosci. Plant Rev. 1, 9–14. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02



  1. Salari, B. S. Hansra, and Y. S. Saharwat, “Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye),” J. Ecosci. Plant Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9–14, 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02.



Salari, H., Hansra, B.S., Saharwat, Y.S.: Effect of cultural practices on quality and yield of onion (Allium cepa L. Var. Safid e Paisaye). J. Ecosci. Plant Rev. 1, 9–14 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/jepr/1.1.02.


Hamid Salari
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

B.S. Hansra
Department of Horticulture, Amity Institute of Horticulture Studies and Research, Amity University, Noida, India

Yashpal Singh Saharwat
Department of Soil Science, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India

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  18. Ali J, Abdurrab, Muhammad H, Ali M, Rashid A, et al. (2016) “Effect of sowing dates and phosphorus levels on growth and bulb production of onion” Pure and Applied Biology (vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 406–417) https://doi.org/10.19045/bspab.2016.50053

  19. Abdulsalam MAA, Hamaiel AF (2004) “Effect of Planting Dates and Compouned Fertilizers on Growth, Yield and Quality of Hassawi Onion Under Al-Hassa Oasis Conditions” Scientific Journal of King Faisal University (Basic and Applied Sciences) (vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 65–79)

  20. Ahmed MK, Hassan MS (1978) “Response of onion (Allium cepa L.) to sowing date and plant population in the Central Free State, South Africa” Acta Hortic (vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 179–187) https://doi.org/10.5897/AJAR2013.8071


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Afghanistan fuel market prediction
Rahmaty H, Ershad AM, and Sabory N.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 1-12  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01


Afghanistan is an underdeveloped country with a good rebuilding and developing potential. It is obvious that the amount of energy consumption of each country directly affects its economy and GDP. All economic activities are directly or indirectly linked to the energy sector. That is why the energy sector is considered a backbone of the countries development as well as means of achieving sustainable economic development.   Accurate evaluation and studying of the energy market and prediction of the future’s energy market is significant to taking proper decisions, making effective and applicable energy policies and goals regarding energy policies. Consequently, it will have a huge influence on the economic and political future of a country. Fossil fuel has a huge share among the energy consumption sources, as well as playing the main role to run the power sector, transportation sector, and industrial sectors. Exports of fossil fuel are also somehow linked to a proper analysis of the internal demand and production rate as well as capacity in the future. In this research, we present Afghanistan’s fuel demand and its future situation prediction by 2032, based on three scenarios. It has been the first time that such research is performed in Afghanistan and will enable energy and fossil fuel sectors to use, analyze, and explore the findings of this research for the purpose of strategic planning, export and import predictions.



Rahmaty H, Ershad AM, Sabory NR (2020) “Afghanistan fuel market prediction” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–12) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01


Rahmaty, H., Ershad, A. M., & Sabory, N. R. (2020). Afghanistan fuel market prediction. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01


Rahmaty, Hasibullah, et al. “Afghanistan Fuel Market Prediction.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 1–12. Crossref, doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01.


Rahmaty H, Ershad AM, Sabory NR. Afghanistan fuel market prediction. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):1–12.


Rahmaty, Hasibullah, Ahmad Murtaza Ershad, and Najib Rahman Sabory. 2020. “Afghanistan Fuel Market Prediction.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 1–12. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01.


Rahmaty H, Ershad AM, Sabory NR. Afghanistan fuel market prediction. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:1–12. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01.


Rahmaty, A. M. Ershad, and N. R. Sabory, “Afghanistan fuel market prediction,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–12, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01.


Rahmaty, H., Ershad, A.M., Sabory, N.R.: Afghanistan fuel market prediction. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 1–12 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01.

Hasibullah Rahmaty
Ahmad Murtaza Ershad
Najib Rahman Sabory
  1. Vehicles per 1000 people - comparison between Afghanistan and Madagas (2019) Macro Economy Meter (http://mecometer.com/compare/afghanistan+ madagascar/vehicles­per­thousand­people/) Accessed: 6 January 2019


  2. Pajhwok Afghan News (2019) “Oil in Afghanistan” Pajhwok Afghan News (/content/oil-afghanistan) Accessed: 29 January 2019


  3. Khalazaie M (2019) “Developments in the oil and gas sector of Afghanistan” Kakar Advocates Law Firm LLC (https://www.kakaradvocates.com/developments-in-the-oil-and-gas-hydrocarbons-sector-of-afghanistan/) Accessed: 12 November 2019


  4. Inter-ministerial Commission of Energy (ICE) Secretariat, Ministry of Economy - Afghanistan (2016) “Quarterly energy sector status summary report: Quarter three 2016” Quraterly Kabul, Afghanistan, Inter-ministerial Commission of Energy (ICE) Secretariat, Ministry of Economy - Afghanistan. (https://sites. google.com/site/iceafghanistan/) Accessed: 14 December 2018


  5. Fichtner GmbH (2018) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power sector master plan” (https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project-document/76570/43497-012-afg-tacr.pdf) Accessed: 19 August 2019


  6. Shinwary K (2018) “Number of vehicles in Afghanistan” US Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Compare cars side-by-side (https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/Find.do?action=sbsSelect) Accessed: 18 May 2018


  7. Fuel economy (2019) US Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Compare cars side-by-side (https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/ Find.do?action=sbs&id=1153&id=12502&id=21479 &id=35595)


  8. Microsaft (2019) “Forecasting functions (reference)” Microsaft Support (https://support.microsoft. com/en-us/office/forecasting-functions-reference-897a2fe9-6595-4680-a0b0-93e0308d5f6e) Accessed: 19 January 2019 


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy
Ghubar N, and Shirani H.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 13-21  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02


There are promising opportunities to produce clean and sustainable energy from micro, mini, small and large hydropower plants in Afghanistan. The Government of Afghanistan has planned to build several hydropower plants. One of them is Baghdara Dam Hydro-Power project in Kapisa province and is expected to produce 210 MW. In the feasibility study, two dam axis configurations were considered, one creating a small reservoir, the other creating a large reservoir. However, a recommendation comparing advantages and disadvantages was not addressed. In this paper, we compare possible Baghdara Dam axis locations and recommend one for future construction that produces optimal electric power, especially during the winter season, and provides clean potable water to New Kabul City. We have determined that dam location A (with a small reservoir) would need a long tunnel to the power station, which requires advanced technology and accurate geological surveying that is not available in Afghanistan. Axis D (with a large reservoir) will recharge downstream hydropower plants such as Kapar (120 MW), Naghlo (100 MW), Sarobi-1 (22 MW), Sarobi-2 (180 MW), and Daronta (12 MW). The large reservoir will also stop sediment ponding at the Naghlo hydropower reservoir. This case study shares an in-depth technical and practical lessons-learned with researchers, students, and practitioners.



Ghubar N, Shirani H (2020) “Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13–21) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02


Ghubar, N., & Shirani, H. (2020). Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02


Ghubar, Naqibullah, and Habiburahman Shirani. “Development of Hydropower in Afghanistan for Clean and Sustainable Energy.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 13–21. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02.


Ghubar N, Shirani H. Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):13–21.


Ghubar, Naqibullah, and Habiburahman Shirani. 2020. “Development of Hydropower in Afghanistan for Clean and Sustainable Energy.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 13–21. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02.


Ghubar N, Shirani H. Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:13–21. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02.


Ghubar and H. Shirani, “Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13–21, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02.


Ghubar, N., Shirani, H.: Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 13–21 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02.

Naqibullah Ghubar
Habiburahman Shirani
  1. Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan (2017) “Afghanistan Renewable Energy Policy” (Afghanistan Renewable Energy Policy) Accessed: 16 November 2019


  2. Yüksel I (2008) “Hydropower in Turkey for a clean and sustainable energy future” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1622–1640) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2007.01.024


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  4. DABS Energy Policy (2019) Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (https://main.dabs.af/EnergySalesProcedure) Accessed: 16 April 2020


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  9. Fichtner GmbH (2018) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power sector master plan” (https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project-document/76570/43497-012-afg-tacr.pdf) Accessed: 19 August 2019


  10. Cheng C, Liu B, Chau K-W, Li G, Liao S (2015) “China׳s small hydropower and its dispatching management” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (vol. 42, pp. 43–55) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2014. 09.044


  11. The World Commission on Dams Framework - A Brief Introduction (2019) International Rivers (https://www.internationalrivers.org/resources/the-world-commission-on-dams-framework-a-brief-introduction-2654) Accessed: 16 November 2019


  12. Baghdara Dam project feasibility study report (2018) Kabul, Afghanistan, Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan.


  13. Sediqi M “River Engineering,” 1st ed. Kabul, Afghanistan, Kabul Poly Technic University.


  14. Existing hydropower information center (2020) Technical Report Kabul, Afghanistan, Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan.


  15. Afghanistan Energy Information Center (2019) AEIC - Ministry of Energy and Water - Afghanistan (http://aeic.af/) Accessed: 6 March 2020


  16. Hydropower Status Report (2019) International Hydropower Association (IHA) (https://www.hydropower.org/statusreport) Accessed: 16 November 2019


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building 
Ahmadi AM, Sabori NR, and Halim M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 22-31  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03


Recently, the consumption of energy in residential buildings has increased. On one hand, urbanization increased energy consumption in residential buildings. On the other hand, construction of nonstandard buildings especially residential buildings, caused excessive energy waste. Implementation of energy efficiency and zero-energy building strategies is one of the best solutions to decrease energy waste and energy intensity in a residential building in Kabul City. This research is conducted to design typical energy-efficient and zero energy building strategies for Kabul City. The majority of people use unrefined fossil fuels for heating. As we know, fossil fuels cause environmental pollution. To burn these fuels, most greenhouse gases GHGs emissions are released in the atmosphere, and these GHGs are very harmful to health and cause different types of illnesses. This study is performed in two stages.  First, the construction cost of a customarily built building is calculated. Then, the heat loss and heat gain of this inefficient building are also calculated. The same procedure is repeated for a more efficient and insulated building. After comparing, it is revealed that an insulated building saves 65% of the energy and emits 60% less CO2 compared to the inefficient building.  To make this building a zero-energy building, we tried using photovoltaic technology. All-electric loads for this building are calculated, and the components of the photovoltaic system are designed accordingly. Finally, the implementation of energy-efficient and zero-energy building has lots of benefits of cost-saving, being environment-friendly, reduced illness, and individual sustainability for each building.



Ahmadi AM, Sabori NR, Halim M (2020) “A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 22–31) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03


Ahmadi, A. M., Sabori, N. R., & Halim, M. (2020). A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 22–31. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03


Ahmadi, Ahmad Masih, et al. “A Typical Design for Energy-Efficient Building: A Case Study of Zero Energy Building.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 22–31. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03.


Ahmadi AM, Sabori NR, Halim M. A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):22–31.


Ahmadi, Ahmad Masih, Najib Rahman Sabori, and Mustafa Halim. 2020. “A Typical Design for Energy-Efficient Building: A Case Study of Zero Energy Building.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 22–31. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03.


Ahmadi AM, Sabori NR, Halim M. A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:22–31. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03.


M. Ahmadi, N. R. Sabori, and M. Halim, “A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 22–31, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03.


Ahmadi, A.M., Sabori, N.R., Halim, M.: A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 22–31 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03.

Ahmad Masih Ahmadi
Najib Rahman Sabori
Mustafa Halim
  1. Baumert KA, Herzog T, Pershing J (2005) “Navigating the numbers: Greenhouse gas data and international climate policy” Washington DC., USA, World Resources Institute. (https://pdf.wri.org/navigating_numbers.pdf) Accessed: 1 November 2019


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  7. A common definition for zero Energy buildings (2015) Washington DC., USA, U.S. Department of Energy. (https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/20 15/09/f26/ACommonDefinitionforZeroEnergyBuildings.pdf) Accessed: 1 November 2019


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS
Oria S, and Sadat SH.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 32-38  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04


Kabul river is the main river in Kabul city and eastern Afghanistan which passes through 200 kilometers of the heart of Kabul. For the river to serve its ecological purposes, like water supply and environmental quality control, water flow should be optimized both in terms of quantity and quality. However, the water in its inundation season, spring, is very high in pollution and the river bed is waterless and full of solid wastes throughout the rest of the year. The goal of this research was to present a quantitative assessment of carbon as a water quality parameter in Kabul river in the geography of Afghanistan, to detect probable sources of this pollutant and to suggest feasible pollution management approaches. The study was based on the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) model, developed by the Egyptian-Swiss Research on Innovation in Sustainable Sanitation (ESRISS) Project. The effect of hydropower dams, in the concentration of carbon in the river, as a water quality parameter, was evaluated. A segment of the river between the Naghlo hydropower dam and the Darunta dam was chosen for carbon content analysis. As a result of this analysis, we can provide data for carbon quantity in the specified segment of the river. Moreover, we will be able to apply this methodology for providing water quality analysis for almost any segment of the river and suggest relevant feasible solutions for water pollution problems.



Oria S, Sadat SH (2020) “Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 32–38) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04


Oria, S., & Sadat, S. H. (2020). Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 32–38. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04


Oria, Sosan, and Sayed Hashmat Sadat. “Assessment of Carbon Pollution in Kabul River and Its Solutions Based on the Material Flow Analysis Model, ESRISS.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 32–38. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04.


Oria S, Sadat SH. Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):32–8.


Oria, Sosan, and Sayed Hashmat Sadat. 2020. “Assessment of Carbon Pollution in Kabul River and Its Solutions Based on the Material Flow Analysis Model, ESRISS.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 32–38. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04.


Oria S, Sadat SH. Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:32–8. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04.


Oria and S. H. Sadat, “Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 32–38, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04.


Oria, S., Sadat, S.H.: Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 32–38 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04.

Sosan Oria
Sayed Hashmat Sadat
  1. Laner D, Rechberger H (2016) “Material flow analysis” In: Finkbeiner M - editor. Special Types of Life Cycle Assessment , 1st ed. Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands - pp. 293–332. https://doi.org/10.1007/ 978-94-017-7610-3_7


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  4. Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (2017) “Naghlu hydropower rehabilitation project (NHRP)” (https://main.dabs.af/uploads/reports/0a4011d949df3547f10cda5c90cf0364.pdf) Accessed: 1 November 2019


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  9. Wadsam (2013) “USAID suspends work on the rehabilitation of Darunta Dam” Wadsam (https://wadsam.com/afghan-business-news/usaid-suspends-work-on-the-rehabilitation-of-darunta-dam-242/) Accessed: 16 January 2020


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy
Rasooli Z, Arzoo Z, and Puya M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 39-45  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05


Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and clean electricity, goal 7 of SDG, interconnected with 5 other goals and 125 (out of 169) targets of SDGs, is an essential factor to the success of any economic growth strategy. While 89 percent of households reported having access to any kind of electricity forms in the 2013-2014 (Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey), only 29.7 percent received their power from the grid, which covers only a small portion of electrified rural households. To select the most appropriate options for electrification of rural areas, a multicriteria decision-making approach has been used. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multicriteria decision-making method used combined with GIS to analyze different options. In this paper, a methodology framework incorporating decision analysis techniques has been presented to evaluate and determine a suitable energy system for rural electrification with a perspective on sustainable development goals. Renewable energy, diesel generator, and national grid expansion have been compared to different options from different views and criteria.



Rasooli Z, Arzoo Z, Puya M (2020) “A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 39–45) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05


Rasooli, Z., Arzoo, Z., & Puya, M. (2020). A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05


Rasooli, Zahra, et al. “A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 39–45. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05.


Rasooli Z, Arzoo Z, Puya M. A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):39–45.


Rasooli, Zahra, Zarifa Arzoo, and Marzia Puya. 2020. “A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 39–45. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05.


Rasooli Z, Arzoo Z, Puya M. A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:39–45. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05.


Rasooli, Z. Arzoo, and M. Puya, “A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 39–45, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05.


Rasooli, Z., Arzoo, Z., Puya, M.: A GIS-Based Approach for Rural Electrification Planning in Afghanistan with Focus on Renewable Energy. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 39–45 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05.

Zahra Rasooli
Zarifa Arzoo
Marzia Puya
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  5. Paudel U, Khatri U, Pant KP (2018) “Understanding the determinants of household cooking fuel choice in Afghanistan: A multinomial logit estimation” Energy (vol. 156, pp. 55–62) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.05.085


  6. Burns RK (2011) “Afghanistan: Solar assets, electricity production, and rural energy factors” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 2144–2148) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2010.12.002


  7. Hakimi M, Baniasadi E, Afshari E (2020) “Thermo-economic analysis of photovoltaic, central tower receiver and parabolic trough power plants for Herat city in Afghanistan” Renewable Energy (vol. 150, pp. 840–853) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.01.009


  8. Fichtner GmbH (2013) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power Sector Master Plan” Fichtner GmbH. 451 p. (https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project-document/76570/43497-012-afg-tacr.pdf)


  9. Ershad AM, Brecha RJ, Hallinan K (2016) “Analysis of solar photovoltaic and wind power potential in Afghanistan” Renewable Energy (vol. 85, pp. 445–453) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2015.06.067


  10. Mainali B, Silveira S (2013) “Alternative pathways for providing access to electricity in developing countries” Renewable Energy (vol. 57, pp. 299–310) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2013.01.057


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
A brief overview of Kabul city electrification
Shirzai K, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 46-51  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06


Kabul faces challenges with fulfilling energy demand using a problematic conventional electrical grid.  Its transportation system is disorganized, and ICT infrastructure is limited as the population growth rate is increasing.  Kabul should determine feasible and efficient plans to make its energy system more sustainable and smart.  Afghanistan energy utility Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat- (DABS) provided electricity demand, consumption, import, amount of thermal electricity and thermal generation data for this research. The data about ICT infrastructure has been extracted  from SIGAR reports and transportation data has been obtained from the transportation department in Kabul. Population data come from Afghanistan Central Statistics Organization (CSO). In summary, usage of solar, wind, hydro and biomass energies and electricity by transmission lines are the most feasible and efficient ways to provide the needed electricity.  A smart grid can be established through smart metering and energy efficiency as well as some measurement programs. Improved ICT infrastructure can benefit citizens with lower prices, better service, and increased competition. Finally, transportation systems options like electric vehicle (EV), public transportation, and ATMS are recommended.



Shirzai K, Sabory NR (2020) “A brief overview of Kabul city electrification” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 46–51) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06


Shirzai, K., & Sabory, N. R. (2020). A brief overview of Kabul city electrification. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 46–51. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06


Shirzai, Khatera, and Najib Rahman Sabory. “A Brief Overview of Kabul City Electrification.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 46–51. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06.


Shirzai K, Sabory NR. A brief overview of Kabul city electrification. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):46–51.


Shirzai, Khatera, and Najib Rahman Sabory. 2020. “A Brief Overview of Kabul City Electrification.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 46–51. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06.


Shirzai K, Sabory NR. A brief overview of Kabul city electrification. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:46–51. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06.


Shirzai and N. R. Sabory, “A brief overview of Kabul city electrification,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 46–51, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06.


Shirzai, K., Sabory, N.R.: A brief overview of Kabul city electrification. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 46–51 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06.

Khatera Shirzai
Najib Rahman Sabory
  1. Lund H, Østergaard PA, Connolly D, Mathiesen BV (2017) “Smart energy and smart energy systems” Energy (vol. 137, pp. 556–565) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2017.05.123


  2. Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (2011) “Electricity statistics” Kabul, Afghanistan, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS).


  3. Fichtner GmbH (2018) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power sector master plan” (https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project-document/76570/43497-012-afg-tacr.pdf) Accessed: 19 August 2019


  4. Sasaki (2017) “Kabul urban design framework,” 1st ed. Kabul, Afghanistan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing. (https://www.sasaki.com/projects/kabul-urban-design-framework/) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  5. Renewable energy roadmap for Afghanistan (2015-2017) (2017) Kabul, Afghanistan, Asian Development Bank (ADB). (https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project-document/151922/47266-001-tar.pdf) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  6. Salman SK (2017) “Introduction to the smart grid: Concepts, technologies and evolution,” 1st ed. London, UK, IET Digital Library. p. ISBN: 978-1-78561-120-9 (https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/books/po/pbpo094e) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  7. General Directorate of Traffic - Ministry of Interior Affairs MoI - Afghanistan (2019) “Kabul traffic statistics” (http://old.moi.gov.af/en/page/directorates/general-directorate-of-traffic)


  8. Empowering the world to breathe cleaner air (2019) (https://www.airvisual.com)


  9. Afghanistan’s information and communications technology sector: U.S. agencies obligated over $2.6 billion to the sector, but the full scope of U.S. efforts is unknown (2016) Audit Report Virgina, USA, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). (https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/audits/SIGAR-16-46-AR.pdf) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  10. Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan (2019) “Statistical indicators in Kabul province” Kabul, Afghanistan, Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan 


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul
Halim M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 52-55  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07


The lives of 85% of the people of Afghanistan depend on agriculture. Every year, sudden changes in the cost of agricultural products leave most farmers discouraged as they suffer financial losses and considered as the most vulnerable in the society. This research is focused on the effects of agricultural cost fluctuation on the life of the farmers, identify root causes, and describe the role of the agriculture department in managing these changes using questionnaires. Qarabagh, Charaseab, Paghaman, Shakerdare, and Dehsabz are selected for this study. Random sampling selected 30 farmers as respondents. Questionnaires, interviews, and documentary reviews are used to collect data, which were analyzed using interpretive and reflexive qualitative approaches and descriptive statistics. The research shows that price fluctuation of agricultural products discourages farmers from striving for a better life.



Halim M (2020) “Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 52–55) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07


Halim, M. (2020). Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 52–55. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07


Halim, Mursal. “Effect of Cost Fluctuations of Agriculture Products on Farmer’s Lives in Kabul.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 52–55. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07.


Halim M. Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):52–5.


Halim, Mursal. 2020. “Effect of Cost Fluctuations of Agriculture Products on Farmer’s Lives in Kabul.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 52–55. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07.


Halim M. Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:52–5. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07.


Halim, “Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 52–55, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07.


Halim, M.: Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 52–55 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07.

Mursal Halim
  1. MIS Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock – Afghanistan (2019) “Agriculture statistics” (https://www.mail.gov.af/en) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  2. Pinstrup‐Andersen P (2014) “Contemporary food policy challenges and opportunities” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 504–518) https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8489.12019


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  4. Huka H, Ruoja C, Mchopa A (2014) “Price Fluctuation of Agricultural Products and its Impact on Small Scale Farmers Development: Case Analysis from Kilimanjaro Tanzania” European Journal of Business and Management (vol. 6, no. 36, pp. 155–160)


  5. Moore DS (2009) “The basic practice of statistics,” Fifth edition New York, USA, W. H. Freeman. 704 p. ISBN: 978-1-4292-2426-0


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources
Ebrahimi N, Sabory NR, and Anwarzai MA.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 56-69  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08


Industry has leading contribution in the economic development of the nations, however this sector needs a systematic and sustainable roadmap. From the planning point of view, there should be an IP (Industrial Park) with basic facilities such as water supply, sewerage system, electricity, access roads, and other entities, electricity and heat could be one of the key resources that drives the industrial parks. Kabul has three industrial parks, Pul-e-Charkhi, Arghandi, and Bagrami, and their total electrical demand is 180 MW (Kabul IPs utilize averagely daily in 8-hours of industrial activity 1440 MWh electrical energy). Da Afghanistan Breshna Shirkat (DABS) provides only 100 MW. Therefore, industries complete their electrical shortage by burning fossil fuels and rely on fossil fuels.  Kabul IPs daily burn 141.86 toe of fossil fuel for thermal necessity and electric shortage. This fossil fuel creates environmental issues and pollution. According to the Afghanistan Metrology Organization (AMO), IPs are responsible for 30% of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in Kabul city. One of the primary and best ways to solve this problem is the usage of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energies. Kabul industrial parks annually paid $73.01 million, and the total cost of building the hybrid renewable plant of a CSP and Solar PVs is $545.36 million. The payback time is 7.5 years. In this study, we try to find the electrical and thermal demand of IPs, and after that, the feasibility of a renewable energy park by considering the Kabul IPs metrology data. Moreover, The feasibility of having an eco-industrial park has been studied.



Ebrahimi N, Sabory NR, Anwarzai MA (2020) “Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 56–69) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08


Ebrahimi, N., Sabory, N. R., & Anwarzai, M. A. (2020). Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 56–69. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08


Ebrahimi, Najibullah, et al. “Electricity and Heat Supply to Kabul Industrial Parks Using Renewable Energy Sources.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 56–69. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08.


Ebrahimi N, Sabory NR, Anwarzai MA. Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):56–69.


Ebrahimi, Najibullah, Najib Rahman Sabory, and Mohammad Abed Anwarzai. 2020. “Electricity and Heat Supply to Kabul Industrial Parks Using Renewable Energy Sources.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 56–69. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08.


Ebrahimi N, Sabory NR, Anwarzai MA. Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:56–69. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08.


Ebrahimi, N. R. Sabory, and M. A. Anwarzai, “Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 56–69, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08.


Ebrahimi, N., Sabory, N.R., Anwarzai, M.A.: Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 56–69 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08.

Najibullah Ebrahimi
Najib Rahman Sabory
Mohammad Abed Anwarzai
  1. Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (2019) “Afghanistan industrial parks electricity necessity” (https://moci.gov.af/en/industrial-park) Accessed: 9 December 2019


  2. Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) - Afghanistan (2019) “Industrial data” (https://moci.gov.af/ en/industrial-park) Accessed: 14 October 2019


  3. Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) - Afghanistan (2019) “Industrial Parks” (https://moci.gov.af/ en/industrial-park) Accessed: 9 December 2019


  4. Najibullah E (2019) “Industrials” (Industrial Parks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) - Afghanistan)


  5. Negah Y (2019) “Annual report” Kabul, Afghanistan, Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). (https://www.acci.org.af/media/Annual ReportEnglish.pdf) Accessed: 1 October 2019


  6. Directorate of Analysis And Evaluation - Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) (2013) “Industrial parks in Afghanistan: Growth, challenges and recommendation” Analytical report Kabul, Afghanistan, Directorate of Analysis And Evaluation - Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA). (https://iccia.com/sites/default/files/library/files/IndustrialParkReport.pdf) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  7. Afghanistan metrology data (2019) Afghanistan Metrology Organization (AMO) (http://www.amd.gov. af) Accessed: 14 November 2019


  8. Anwarzai MA (2018) “Research and analysis of Afghanistan’s wind, solar, and geothermal resources potential” (Doctoral Dissertation) Tokyo, Japan, Search Results Web results Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (https://tuat.repo.nii.ac.jp/ ?action=repository_action_common_download&item_id=1487&item_no=1&attribute_id=16&file_no=1) Accessed: 4 July 2020


  9. Map showing the location of Deh Sabz, Kabul, Afghanistan (100m) (2019) (https://globalwindatlas.info) Accessed: 28 November 2019


  10. Map showing the location of Deh Sabz, Kabul, Afghanistan (50) (2019) (https://globalwindatlas.info) Accessed: 28 November 2019


  11. Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan (2018) “Afghanistan agrometeorological bulleting” (http://mew.gov.af/) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  12. Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan (2019) “Statistical indicators in Kabul province” Kabul, Afghanistan, Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan.


  13. SunPower (2019) “400–425 W residential AC module” (https://us.sunpower.com/sites/default/files/ spr-a-series-425-415-400-g-ac-datasheet-532618-revb.pdf) Accessed: 7 July 2019


  14. Singal L, Harats Y (2016) “Hybrid renewable energy parks” (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lavl een_Singal/publication/303371155_Hybrid_Renewble_Eergy_Parks/links/573ec7ce08ae9f741b31dbd5/Hybrid-Renewable-Energy-Parks.pdf?origin=figuresDialog) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  15. Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan (2019) “Afghanistan energy condition” (http://mew. gov.af/) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  16. Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) - Afghanistan “Industries development” (https://moci .gov.af/ en/industrial-park) Accessed: 14 October 2019


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access      Published  
Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city
Nazari N, Sabory NR, and Mohsini S.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 70-76  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09


This research is about management of the sewer and drainage system in Kabul city, which is predicted to continue growing in population. According to the new Master Plan, the city population will grow from 4.5 million in 2017 to 9 million by 2050.  Kabul’s rapid population growth has put pressure on its economy, social services, and housing. However, the major urban systems such as roads, water supply, and sewage were poorly planned and implemented.  In this article, we will analyze the current problems of sewage in Kabul as it does not have a pre-established municipal sewage system. Kabul’s management, and control of wastewater is compared with the various cities around the world. In this research, a new approach is proposed for the Master Plan improvement considering review of similar cities in the world and a case study of Omid-e-Sabz, a town west of Kabul.



Nazari N, Sabory NR, Mohsini S (2020) “Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 70–76) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09


Nazari, N., Sabory, N. R., & Mohsini, S. (2020). Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 70–76. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09


Nazari, Nazanin, et al. “Optimum Solution for Plastic Waste Reduction in Kabul City.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 70–76. Crossref, doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09.


Nazari N, Sabory NR, Mohsini S. Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):70–6.


Nazari, Nazanin, Najib Rahman Sabory, and Shuaib Mohsini. 2020. “Optimum Solution for Plastic Waste Reduction in Kabul City.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 70–76. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09.


Nazari N, Sabory NR, Mohsini S. Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:70–6. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09.


Nazari, N. R. Sabory, and S. Mohsini, “Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 70–76, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09.


Nazari, N., Sabory, N.R., Mohsini, S.: Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 70–76 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09.

Nazanin Nazari
Najib Rahman Sabory
Shuaib Mohsini
  1. Ali SS, Ijaz N, Aman N, Noor EM (2017) “Feasibility study of low density waste plastic in non load bearing asphalt pavement in district faisalabad” Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) (vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 17–18)


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  8. Wholesale kraft paper bags supplier (2019) TradeMart Exports (http://www.trademartexports.com/ kraft-paper-bags.htm) Accessed: 1 November 2019


  9. Kabul Municipality (2019) “Solid waste audit in Kabul” (https://km.gov.af/) Accessed: 1 November 2019


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy
Kohistani MF, Sabory NR, Zarabie AK, and Ahmadi M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 77-88  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10


This is an economic and technical feasibility analysis of a pilot project on transitioning energy usage to renewable and sustainable sources of energy for the Engineering School at Kabul University from economic, security, and academic considerations. The objectives of this research are improving energy security and sustainability, achieving economic benefits, and reflecting the advantages of renewable energy for Afghanistan's sustainable development. Energy demand for the Engineering School is calculated before and after transitioning to adaptable renewable energy resources. The total initial cost of a new system is about 14,237,771AFN with an operation and maintenance (O&M) cost of 341,862.74 AFN/year with the payback time of investment of fewer than 4.5 years. Based on this investigation, we found that it is economical and technically feasible to switch to renewable and sustainable sources of energy, especially in commercial and governmental buildings.



Kohistani MF, Sabory NR, Zarabie AK, Ahmadi M (2020) “A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 77–88) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10


Kohistani, M. F., Sabory, N. R., Zarabie, A. K., & Ahmadi, M. (2020). A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10


Kohistani, Mohammad Fahim, et al. “A Case Study of an Educational Building Transformation to Renewable Energy.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 77–88. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10.


Kohistani MF, Sabory NR, Zarabie AK, Ahmadi M. A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):77–88.


Kohistani, Mohammad Fahim, Najib Rahman Sabory, Ahmad Khalid Zarabie, and Mikaeel Ahmadi. 2020. “A Case Study of an Educational Building Transformation to Renewable Energy.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 77–88. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10.


Kohistani MF, Sabory NR, Zarabie AK, Ahmadi M. A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:77–88. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10.


F. Kohistani, N. R. Sabory, A. K. Zarabie, and M. Ahmadi, “A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 77–88, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10.


Kohistani, M.F., Sabory, N.R., Zarabie, A.K., Ahmadi, M.: A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 77–88 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10.

Mohammad Fahim Kohistani
Najib Rahman Sabory
Ahmad Khalid Zarabie
Mikaeel Ahmadi
  1. National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) - Afghanistan (2019) “Yearbook Afghanistan statistical 2018-19” (https://www.nsia.gov.af:8080/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Afghanistan-Statistical-Yearbook-2018-19_compressed.pdf) Accessed: 15 April 2020


  2. General Directorate of Traffic - Ministry of Interior Affairs MoI - Afghanistan (2019) “Kabul traffic statistics” (http://old.moi.gov.af/en/page/directorates/general-directorate-of-traffic)


  3. Fiebig M, Wiartalla A, Holderbaum B, Kiesow S (2014) “Particulate emissions from diesel engines: correlation between engine technology and emissions” Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 6) https://doi.org/10.1186/1745-6673-9-6


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  7. Methane (2019) Gas Innovations (https://gasinnovations.com/products/methane/) Accessed: 1 November 2019


The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
Impact of Fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city
Faizi S, Sabory NR, and Layan AH.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 89-95  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11


This research focused on fuel consumption and its dangerous emission and negative impact on people, animals, and plants’ life in Kabul city. This research is evaluated and described total fuel consumed by all vehicles as2,306,481 m3/year, in a separate form:911,542m3/year petrol consumption and1,394,939 m3/year diesel consumption. Also, the amount of pollution which is emitted from burning these fuel-based resources is 2,180,408ton/year CO2, 46 ton/year NOX, 529kg/year SOX from the total amount of petrol consumption, and 3,431,550ton/year CO2, 642 kg/year from diesel consumption. It is suggested to use applicable technologies and approaches to reduce fuel consumption and air pollution such as reducing trips, using public transportation, walking down and using bicycles, using biodiesel, preferring multiple occupant vehicles,  electrical bus infrastructure develop, and expanding the use of clean fuel vehicles, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).



Faizi S, Sabory NR, Layan AH (2020) “Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 89–95) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11


Faizi, S., Sabory, N. R., & Layan, A. H. (2020). Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 89–95. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11


Faizi, Shukria, et al. “Impact of Fuel Consumption in the Transportation Sector on People, Animals, and Plant Life in Kabul City, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 89–95. Crossref, doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11.


Faizi S, Sabory NR, Layan AH. Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):89–95.


Faizi, Shukria, Najib Rahman Sabory, and Abdul Hamid Layan. 2020. “Impact of Fuel Consumption in the Transportation Sector on People, Animals, and Plant Life in Kabul City.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 89–95. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11.


Faizi S, Sabory NR, Layan AH. Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:89–95. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11.


Faizi, N. R. Sabory, and A. H. Layan, “Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 89–95, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11.


Faizi, S., Sabory, N.R., Layan, A.H.: Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 89–95 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11.


Shukria Faizi

Najib Rahman Sabory

Abdul Hamid Layan

  1. National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) - Afghanistan (2019) “Yearbook Afghanistan statistical 2018-19” (https://www.nsia.gov.af:8080/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Afghanistan-Statistical-Yearbook-2018-19_compressed.pdf) Accessed: 15 April 2020


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032
Sadat SMW, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 96-101  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12


Afghanistan with abundant sources of renewable energies has the plan to generate about 4,500 - 5,000 megawatts of its energy from renewable energies sources until 2032. However, it is still one of the energy importer countries. Human resources are one of the most fundamental and vital parts of a sector. Energy sector also needs enough human resources for its development and improvement. As a sector is developing, its requirement of human resources is increasing. Therefore, the number of its human resources must be increased too. Afghanistan, with a promoting renewable energy sector, has an essential need to have enough human resources for the energy sector. To ensure better future for country’s energy sector, it is necessary to estimate the needed human resources. In this research, we used the potential of renewable energy resources of Afghanistan to estimate the required human resources on construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of renewable energies power plants. Based on this research’s findings, the required number of human resources until 2032 in Afghanistan is estimated over 34,000 people which plays a significant role in job creation as well energy sector empowerment. We suggest that the government of Afghanistan hire the needed human resources through meritocracy to become self-sufficient in the energy industry and to be one of the energy exporter countries.



Sadat SMW, Sabory NR (2020) “Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 96–101) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12


Sadat, S. M. W., & Sabory, N. R. (2020). Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 96–101. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12


Sadat, Sayed Mohamad Waleed, and Najib Rahman Sabory. “Afghanistan Renewable Energy Sector’s Human Resources Estimation until 2032.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 96–101. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12.


Sadat SMW, Sabory NR. Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):96–101.


Sadat, Sayed Mohamad Waleed, and Najib Rahman Sabory. 2020. “Afghanistan Renewable Energy Sector’s Human Resources Estimation until 2032.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 96–101. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12.


Sadat SMW, Sabory NR. Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:96–101. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12.


M. W. Sadat and N. R. Sabory, “Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 96–101, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12.


Sadat, S.M.W., Sabory, N.R.: Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 96–101 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12.

Sayed Mohamad Waleed Sadat
Najib Rahman Sabory
  1. Fichtner GmbH (2018) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power sector master plan” (https://www.adb. org/sites/default/files/project-document/76570/ 43497-012-afg-tacr.pdf) Accessed: 19 August 2019


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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
An overview of sewage system management in Kabul
Karimi MH, Mohammadi MA, Amiri M, Nighat-Noori MM, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 102-109  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13


This research is about management of the sewer and drainage system in Kabul city, which is predicted to continue growing in population. According to the new Master Plan, the city population will grow from 4.5 million in 2017 to 9 million by 2050.  Kabul’s rapid population growth has put pressure on its economy, social services, and housing, but the major urban systems such as roads, water supply, and sewage were poorly planned and implemented.  In this article, we will analyze the current problems of sewage in Kabul as it does not have a pre-established municipal sewage system. We compare Kabul’s management and control of wastewater to various cities around the world. We present our solution for the Master Plan with a literature review of similar cities in the world and a case study of Omid-e-Sabz, a town west of Kabul.



Karimi MH, Mohammadi MA, Amiri M, Nighat-Noori MM, Sabory NR (2020) “An overview of sewage system management in Kabul” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 102–109) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13


Karimi, M. H., Mohammadi, M. A., Amiri, M., Nighat-Noori, M. M., & Sabory, N. R. (2020). An overview of sewage system management in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 102–109. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13


Karimi, Mohammad Hussain, et al. “An Overview of Sewage System Management in Kabul.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 102–09. doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13.


Karimi MH, Mohammadi MA, Amiri M, Nighat-Noori MM, Sabory NR. An overview of sewage system management in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):102–9.


Karimi, Mohammad Hussain, Mohammad Amin Mohammadi, Muslim Amiri, Mohammad Mahdi Nighat-Noori, and Najib Rahman Sabory. 2020. “An Overview of Sewage System Management in Kabul.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 102–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13.


Karimi MH, Mohammadi MA, Amiri M, Nighat-Noori MM, Sabory NR. An overview of sewage system management in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:102–9. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13.


H. Karimi, M. A. Mohammadi, M. Amiri, M. M. Nighat-Noori, and N. R. Sabory, “An overview of sewage system management in Kabul,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 102–109, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13.


Karimi, M.H., Mohammadi, M.A., Amiri, M., Nighat-Noori, M.M., Sabory, N.R.: An overview of sewage system management in Kabul. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 102–109 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13.

Mohammad Hussain Karimi
Mohammad Amin Mohammadi
Muslim Amiri
Mohammad Mahdi Nighat- Noori
Najib Rahman Sabory
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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)     Open Access     Published  
An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies
Hashimi SB, Zaheb H, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 110-115  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14


After the industrial revolution and world technological growth, humanity and society seek to use energy resources more efficiently. The global economy currently relies on electricity for the economic and development of world nations. Electrical energy is used mostly in cities and commercial industries. This study focuses on changing the energy production and consumption patterns in Kabul as it is faced with many challenges and problems in providing needed electrical energy within its power network. For solving these problems and challenges, national policymakers are searching for practical and economical methods to provide electric energy for capital region in a sustainable manner. One suggestion is the storage of electrical energy, which can act when the network is under pressure and to avoid power outages. Electric Energy storage(EES)can be used as a secondary source to those regions which are not connected to the national power network. This research aims to find the most appropriate and practical solutions for the storage of extra and additional electrical energy at Kabul city.



Hashimi SB, Zaheb H, Sabory NR (2020) “An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies” Repa Proceeding Series (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 110–115) https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14


Hashimi, S. B., Zaheb, H., & Sabory, N. R. (2020). An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies. Repa Proceeding Series, 1(1), 110–115. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14


Hashimi, Sayed Belal, et al. “An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies.” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 110–15. Crossref, doi:10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14.


Hashimi SB, Zaheb H, Sabory NR. An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies. Repa Proceeding Series. 2020 Jun 12;1(1):110–5.


Hashimi, Sayed Belal, Hameedullah Zaheb, and Najib Rahman Sabory. 2020. “An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies.” Repa Proceeding Series 1 (1): 110–15. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14.


Hashimi SB, Zaheb H, Sabory NR. An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies. Repa Proceeding Series 2020;1:110–5. https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14.


B. Hashimi, H. Zaheb, and N. R. Sabory, “An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies,” Repa Proceeding Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 110–115, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14.


Hashimi, S.B., Zaheb, H., Sabory, N.R.: An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies. Repa Proceeding Series. 1, 110–115 (2020). https://doi.org/10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14.

Sayed Belal Hashimi
Hameedullah Zaheb
Najib Rahman Sabory
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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.